Are you going to ForumCon 2014?

Anyone going to ForumCon 2014?

  • I am.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • I'm not.

    Votes: 89 91.8%
  • I might.

    Votes: 5 5.2%

  • Total voters
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And so, the folks that manage ForumCon has tried to convince folks that the convention is worth going to. If that article isn't enough, then a video is....

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"ForumCon, probably the best place for forum managers... in the world".

Can probably think of a thousand reasons why this statement is truly false... :whistle:
And so, the folks that manage ForumCon has tried to convince folks that the convention is worth going to. If that article isn't enough, then a video is....

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All I learnt from that was the people in the video know absolutely nothing about running forums, as they dont actually run forums. Their professions/employers were:

GetSatisfaction, Ning, Viglink, Random Entrepreneur, The Mail, Viglink (again)

It also higlighted something raised a while ago - that last year's event had ONE speaker that was remotely forum related, the rest were bloggers, marketers and viglink used car salesmen types.

A bunch of paid speakers saying "its awesome...come to forumcon" is hardly a good argument as to WHY you should be there and again, from the evidence we've seen your community has had absolutely no positive benefits from forumcon.
Just an FYI: Ning is somewhat related. It's a community-driven [free] CMS software that allows for community-oriented sites. Perfect for "social network" or "social networking." In fact; some of the biggest names have joined ning, like Souja Boy (if you don't know him, he's an up and coming rapper), and a few singers.
We give you the tools and expertise to nurture and engage your own community on the largest, most scalable, and integrated social platform of its kind. Whether you're building a new site, looking to integrate community into your existing site, or re-launching your current site, Ning can handle it.

We pioneered the ability to create your own social network 6 years ago - and now, 2 million communities later, we've perfected the best platform for cultivating your own community.
EDIT: Looking around... Wow. They changed a lot.
The Mail? As in the Daily Mail? What, they found a new event to publicize their idiotic and racist BS?
@Carlos I tried to watch that video but after a few second I just found that this one was better :p

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Both of you can calm the hell down:
@Carlos you seem to be a strong advocate for the Con. Care to explain how going to it over the past few years has helped your site Whenever i go to that site, there seems to be 0 members online. Is there a particular section of the conference that has helped you and your site?
To be honest, the video is not doing the conference much good in my book. Instead of giving me a reason to go it does the opposite. Because it does not highlight what there is to offer. Sure they will explain how you can use their products to better monetize your website and you can meet cool people. But that sounds lame to me.

When I look on their time table though there are some interesting things:

I do find that forumcon is rather short and limited. Why are Reddit and StackExchange not there? Why no unveiling of new developments and products? Where are IPS, XF, BB, etc ? No Google speaking about SEO? No Twitter or Facebook speaking about getting members from there? No mobile manufacturers speaking about new mobile technologies?
There are some good names amongst the speakers, but it does not compare to the list of speakers on CeBit which include an Attorney General speaking online legal issues, the EU vice-president for Digital Agenda, Elastic Search, An Apple founder, Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales, etc.

I have been to many conferences and trade shows. What attracts people to them is new interesting topics, unveiling of news, showcasing of products, industry gadgets. Networking is also important, but that's not enough motivation to go.
While there are some interesting names amongst the speakers, the topics are rather meh.
The community, community software and internet technology landscape is changing rapidly, but forumcon doesn't seem to cater to this.

For me forumcon focusing too much on selling products to attendees, instead of offering really interesting information. It feels as if we are the product being marketed to the conference sponsors.
Take the time to know/meet your audience and you will learn way more! (y)

A productive day spent with a group of members, had a great discussion about the direction of the forum over lunch at the pub.

These people tell me more about how to run a community than some suited company spokesman preaching their own agenda.


That's me on the right end under the baseball cap ;)
ForumCon? I'll have to consult my magic 8 ball on this. :p

Screenshot from 2014-05-21 07:55:41.webp

Tickets have been ordered. Not 100% sure if I'll attend, but it is leaning toward this direction. June I have A LOT going on and other obligations already in motion. But I do have a ticket. So it's possible.

If anything, I'll be either a good listener or a very vocal individual (I run an uncensored community after all).
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ForumCon? I'll have to consult my magic 8 ball on this. :p

View attachment 74124

Tickets have been ordered. Not 100% sure if I'll attend, but it is leaning toward this direction. June I have A LOT going on and other obligations already in motion. But I do have a ticket. So it's possible.

If anything, I'll be either a good listener or a very vocal individual (I run an uncensored community after all).
If you do go, lay into Viglink's marketing monkeys to try and make them realise that running a community is a thing of passion and not something people go into to make a living out of. They seem to like promoting it as a lifestyle choice that'll make you rich...but only if you use viglink.
If you do go, lay into Viglink's marketing monkeys to try and make them realise that running a community is a thing of passion and not something people go into to make a living out of. They seem to like promoting it as a lifestyle choice that'll make you rich...but only if you use viglink.
I think I would also add that viglink needs be an ad company and NOT a censor. They have this odd policy that says if you have X content on YOUR site, they feel the need to dictate.

As a marketing advertising company they should feel privileged to be chosen, yet they seem to think you should feel privileged to choose them. I find that both as a character flaw and also poor business practice in a true open market (adding regulations is the exact opposite of free and fair trade).
The Daily Mail is a UK newspaper.
Yeah, and? The thing is, they were assuming it's the same "Mail" site as Daily Mail. Assumptions. Don't do them.

For those of you interested, Lucy (and the ForumCon team) sent this e-mail out:
Good Morning,

With 4 weeks to go until Forumcon the excitement is building, and I have more news!

Thanks to one of our wonderful sponsors, Proboards, we now have our very own forum! We know... Finally! It will be our a year-round platform for you, our community, where you can find the latest ForumCon news,learn innovative approaches from your peers, and start networking. Do come and join the fun!

We have a lot of amazing forums from different verticals heading to SF this summer, so we're using this as an excuse to start our very own industry council. The council will examine what trends, challenges, and new technologies impacting our industry as well as create a strong, unified voice to help speak out for our community. We have the Kabuki's board room booked and a special phone line for those who want can’t make it in person. Please just email me (lucy at forumcon dot com) if you want more info, or have suggestions for people who should be joining us.

Last surprise of the day (with more to come down the road), is this year we will be having a special ForumCon Tech Fest. You requested to hear more about the technologies providers attending, so we can so have invited five brave innovators to take to the stage to give you their best elevator pitch! We will then open up the floor to (grilling) questioning from the audience and our expert “dragon” judges: Brain Glick, Entrepreneur in Residence at HomeBrew, Crista Baily, CEO Texture Media, and Vlad Dusil, COO PurseBlog.

Have you got your tickets yet? If not, act fast, ticket sales are ramping up. Follow this special link or type in “ForumCon25” in the promotion code box on our eventbrite to get your special discount.

Oh and check out our new promo video! Sneak peek beneath. You might just recognize a few familiar faces…

Have a great week all,


PS keep up to date with all the ForumCon 2014 updates by following us on Facebook and Twitter.
Hey everyone,

I'm coming to the conversation a little late, sorry about that.

I'm one of the speakers at ForumCon. I wanted to clarify a few things that I've seen discussed here.

1) I'm not being paid (nor paying) to speak at ForumCon. I don't receive nor spend money to speak at the event. I might make some ancillary money from people hearing the talk about buying my book, but that's about it. I won't even mention it during the talk itself. I'm not planning to 'sell' anything. The best I get are some of my travel expenses (from London) covered I can't imagine the situation would be different for any of the other speakers - most of whom are really amazing people.

2) Yes I am 'a blogger' in the sense I have a blog. I'm a little concerned to see that's perceived as a negative thing here. I love sharing my experiences about communities at I also run a company of 7.5 people that helps a lot of companies using VBulletin, Ning, Lithium, Jive, Discourse (not XenForo though). I also used Drupal Advanced forum for my own drupal-based community I run. I do know the forums available, but I'm not overly focused on technology. Our client list includes Google, Twitter, Nextdoor, ReachOut, Ning, TheWorldBank and dozens of other organisations using forum-based platforms to drive high levels of activity.

3) Viglink are nice people. They probably do want to sell more of their service, that makes sense if they're putting together a conference on the topic, but there's no requests to me to promote them at the event.

4) You can get half my book for free > Judge it for yourself. If you think the book is terrible (valid opinion) then it's safe to assume my talk will be too. If you don't, then it might be worth attending. My talk will be heavily skewed towards using proven science to get people to participate more. There aren't many people really covering this at the moment.

I'm happy to try and answer any of the other questions that come through. Thanks for your time everyone.
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