Am I the only one using a Windows Server?

Server that runs my (dead) MyBB installation is an Ubuntu on a quad-core machine. You must not be very wise to use WinLose, no offense.
Two solutions I would never use myself: CentOS or Windows. But, different strokes for different folks.

Am I the only one here using a Windows server (IIS) to host my PHP (and MySQL)-based websites?

Surely not?

While you might be in the minority here, such a setup is widely used across the web.
My opinion: Don't use Windows as server solution.

Your opinion is wise, hence why i also run 2 other servers that are Linux based.

Upgrading my hardware on the windows machine and it will be replaced by a Linux server while i am at it.
Here is the server market share for August 2010, compiled by netcraft.

It has been my experience that most of the people that don't use Windows, usually are not fluent in how to tune it properly.

We're pretty much all Windows dedicated servers and don't have any performance issues to speak of. We do have some commercial ASP services, which is one of the reasons we do use Windows.

No reason for the Windows people to knock *NIX people and vice versa, let's be professional. :)
I use both Linux and Windows, and they both have their benefits. But I do think that web masters should try out each environment and make their own decisions - becuase each website is different, and each server will respond differently. Additionally, the options open to the webmaster and site vary.
Being a Linux man myself I quite like it -- what can be run on Windows can be run on Linux with a few code optimisations.
I have to say I would never use Windows as a **web** Server by choice... If we are talking about a corporate setup then things like active directory etc in office network windows is *ok*...

As a home PC windows is a good new user PC, I wouldn't bother trying to get my step-father to use linux as a home PC because he is too used to Windows... I have tried to get my fiancée to use linux but she also is too comfertable with windows... I personally would rather use linux.

I agree each has its mert but I still say Windows as a production web server is not a good idea.
Regarding tuning: our experience using Oracle databases and using it for big ERP applications is that the performance out of the box is far better on Linux than on Windows.
Ok, you can tune Windows, but the same applies to Linux :)
I thought your opinion was just "Don't use Windows"
I think MS Office is better than any open source solution, and I think it's a great workstation (xp32bitpro or win7.64bit) for cubicle workers.
You guys need to create a self-help group :p ;)

nginx + php-fpm + XCache + memcached + Sphinx on Linux ftw :D

What's so bad about CentOS?

I used either CenOS or Red Hat when I was running linux servers.

In my stressy environment, I've got running on my Windows Server: Active Directory Controller, Exchange Server 2010, IIS, MySQL, SQL + SharePoint. All services are fine :) It's only got 3GB RAM.
NIX web server wipes the floor with Windows server.

Pretty simple: NIX servers can take more requests in the same time. This hasn't change in the past 20 years.

Of course there can be badly configured Linux servers and well configured Win servers with wincache etc. still it's out of question...binary vs. compiled software... :)
Windows servers have their place. However, not as ideal web servers, in my opinion. :D

FreeBSD/nginx/PHP-FPM is great!
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