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Advanced Member Profile Search 2.0.1f

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Akinak submitted a new resource:

Advanced Member Profile Search - Custom member search through both the Members Page and Profile Page

Advanced Member Profile Search allows members to search for other members on the Members page by Custom User Field and Location. This addon also allows members to search for other members by Admin-Configurable common interests fields whose entries must separated by comma. This addon is a partial request of Advanced Member Search and a completed request of...

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I installed with Add On Install/Upgrade by Chris Deeming and not only does it work flawlessly it uses the same template edits from the previous addon meaning I don't have to do anything. You also fixed the issues I had with the previous addon such as the custom user field titles not showing. Thanks alot for this 5 stars, left a review. :cool:
Akinak submitted a new resource:

Advanced Member Profile Search - Custom member search through both the Members Page and Profile Page

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I installed with Add On Install/Upgrade by Chris Deeming and not only does it work flawlessly it uses the same template edits from the previous addon meaning I don't have to do anything. You also fixed the issues I had with the previous addon such as the custom user field titles not showing. Thanks alot for this 5 stars, left a review. :cool:
Thanks for that, I have upgraded the original mod but I am not getting the intended result, I still have the old "Username", "Location" and "Any custom user field" boxes, rather than an Advanced Search box. There is no search link in the nav menu area either.

Maybe post some screenshots so we know what it's supposed to look like?

Also, is it possible to allow other fields such as check boxes or drop down selection boxes, rather than just single line text boxes? My issue is that users might enter completely different things - Diablo 3, D3, Diablo III etc will all return different results. By giving a specified list that the user must choose from, my issue is solved.
Thanks for that, I have upgraded the original mod but I am not getting the intended result, I still have the old "Username", "Location" and "Any custom user field" boxes, rather than an Advanced Search box. There is no search link in the nav menu area either.

Maybe post some screenshots so we know what it's supposed to look like?

Also, is it possible to allow other fields such as check boxes or drop down selection boxes, rather than just single line text boxes? My issue is that users might enter completely different things - Diablo 3, D3, Diablo III etc will all return different results. By giving a specified list that the user must choose from, my issue is solved.
This is the same addon as the previous Custom User Field Search addon. Only thing changed is the name. I wrote the description for the addon. In the description I wrote that it is a partial request of my Advanced Member Search request. Because of the addition of Profile Tags, it's now called Advanced (due to custom user fields and location) Member Profile (because of the profile tags) Search.
This is the same addon as the previous Custom User Field Search addon. Only thing changed is the name. I wrote the description for the addon. In the description I wrote that it is a partial request of my Advanced Member Search request. Because of the addition of Profile Tags, it's now called Advanced (due to custom user fields and location) Member Profile (because of the profile tags) Search.
Sorry, I'm still confused as to what this new version actually does differently though. If it's the same, I am not sure why it was "re-released" with a new name. The instructions sort of stop half way through - how do you actually use the mod, once you've installed it?

In any case, I appreciate your help in assisting writing the documentation.
Profile Interest Tags. Re-read the resource again. Click on the Profile Interest Tags link.
Profile Interest Tags. Re-read the resource again. Click on the Profile Interest Tags link.
I have read the resource information and your thread entirely, I am still confused. The author needs to ensure that it is in black and white, on the resource information page. We shouldn't have to trawl through other "idea threads" to try and get an idea of what the mod does. Also, as you mentioned it's a partial implementation of both, so we really need to get a better idea of what the mod does, and what it doesn't do, and of course how to use it!

How do you search by tags?
How do you specify what custom fields you want to search by/from?
Can other fields such as check boxes be used?

Some screenshots would really help, as I am still not 100% if I am even looking at what you are looking at. As I mentioned before, I have three text fields that others can search from - Username, Location and Any Custom Field. Is this what you have? Can this be customized?

Thanks for your assistance!
I have read the resource information and your thread entirely, I am still confused. The author needs to ensure that it is in black and white, on the resource information page. We shouldn't have to trawl through other "idea threads" to try and get an idea of what the mod does. Also, as you mentioned it's a partial implementation of both, so we really need to get a better idea of what the mod does, and what it doesn't do, and of course how to use it!

How do you search by tags?
How do you specify what custom fields you want to search by/from?
Can other fields such as check boxes be used?

Some screenshots would really help, as I am still not 100% if I am even looking at what you are looking at. As I mentioned before, I have three text fields that others can search from - Username, Location and Any Custom Field. Is this what you have? Can this be customized?

Thanks for your assistance!

Sorry for my English. - search by exist custom field.
Add Custom Field in Admin CP in Display Tab
User must write in this field some info separete by comma.
After this in information Tab of profile page
By click - list of member whith same interes.
Type of Field must be text, but soon i update addon to select field.
Thanks for that, I have upgraded the original mod but I am not getting the intended result, I still have the old "Username", "Location" and "Any custom user field" boxes, rather than an Advanced Search box. There is no search link in the nav menu area either.

Maybe post some screenshots so we know what it's supposed to look like?

Also, is it possible to allow other fields such as check boxes or drop down selection boxes, rather than just single line text boxes? My issue is that users might enter completely different things - Diablo 3, D3, Diablo III etc will all return different results. By giving a specified list that the user must choose from, my issue is solved.
Yes, soon it will be.
Now You can create Drop down selection OR Radio Buttons Field Type user custom field, and search works, but its no usefull for me.
As a solution I think autocomplete data of other users, as with the search for the user or location.
Sorry for my English. - search by exist custom field.
Add Custom Field in Admin CP in Display Tab
User must write in this field some info separete by comma.
After this in information Tab of profile page
View attachment 45025
By click - list of member whith same interes.
Type of Field must be text, but soon i update addon to select field.
Thanks, I think I will hold off until additional field types are compatible :)
The autocomplete doesn't work for me so I uninstalled it. It also didn't work for me when I tried it on your site yesterday. Weird.
Autocomplete based on available data.
If user A in the favorite music group AAAAAAA specified, then when the user B enters in this field AAA, it will offer an option.
But if the user enters the BBB, he did not offer.

The easiest way to check on the location of the field, because in this field data exist.
Akinak updated Advanced Member Profile Search with a new update entry:

Add Autocomplete

Added auto-complete fields for editing by the user.
If this part is slow work, you can turn off.
To disable go to Options/Custom User Field Search/

Autocomplete based on available data.
If user A in the favorite music group AAAAAAA specified, then when the user B enters in this field AAA, it will offer an option.
But if the user enters the BBB, he did not offer.

The easiest way to check on the location of the field, because in this field data exist.

In the previous release, again confused...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Not working anymore in Xenforo 1.2 due to all the template changes to the Member page.

Can you please create a non-TMS requirement version since the TMS system is currently broken in XF 1.2?
Hi. This works for Xenforo 1.2. I know because I copied your TMS edits over to TMC.

THE PROBLEM is that it does not hide the members_list whenever we have the members list hidden in Options.

Can you make this so that the members list stays hidden? Just move the member search box to member_notable
 ErrorException: Undefined variable: tags - library/Akinak/CustomUserFieldSearch/Model/Account.php:23 Generated By: chiggidychinaman, Today at 5:21 PM Stack Trace #0 /home/blah/public_html/library/Akinak/CustomUserFieldSearch/Model/Account.php(23): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/blah/publi...', 23, Array) #1 /home/blah/public_html/library/Akinak/CustomUserFieldSearch/ControllerPublic/Account.php(33): Akinak_CustomUserFieldSearch_Model_Account->getLocs('Private', Array) #2 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): Akinak_CustomUserFieldSearch_ControllerPublic_Account->actionSearchCity() #3 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch)) #4 /home/blah/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #5 {main} Request State array(3) { ["url"] => string(50) "" ["_GET"] => array(1) { ["type"] => string(8) "location" } ["_POST"] => array(5) { ["q"] => string(7) "Private" ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(25) "/account/personal-details" ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1" ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********" ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json" } }
ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - library/Akinak/CustomUserFieldSearch/ViewPublic/Account/searchCity.php:15 Generated By: chiggidychinaman, Today at 5:21 PM Stack Trace #0 /home/blah/public_html/library/Akinak/CustomUserFieldSearch/ViewPublic/Account/searchCity.php(15): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'Invalid argumen...', '/home/blah/publi...', 15, Array) #1 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php(227): Akinak_CustomUserFieldSearch_ViewPublic_Account_searchCity->renderJson() #2 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Json.php(88): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract->renderViewObject('Akinak_CustomUs...', 'Json', Array, '') #3 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(572): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Json->renderView('Akinak_CustomUs...', Array, '', NULL) #4 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(158): XenForo_FrontController->renderView(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_View), Object(XenForo_ViewRenderer_Json), Array) #5 /home/blah/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #6 {main} Request State array(3) {   ["url"] => string(50) ""   ["_GET"] => array(1) {     ["type"] => string(8) "location"   }   ["_POST"] => array(5) {     ["q"] => string(7) "Private"     ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(25) "/account/personal-details"     ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"     ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"     ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"   } }
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