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Advanced Forum Statistics 1.0

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Turn off the add-on in the ACP and uninstall, if that doesn't work, edit the config.php file and add the following line:

$config['enableListeners'] = 0;

The forum should now work, but no add-ons will. Try uninstalling the add-on now if you couldn't before, then remove the above line from config.php

I just want to make sure I'm in the right place but this is the config.php that should be located in community/library/ correct? If so I have added the line (and did a the upgrade again) and it did not work.

I'm afraid that when I installed this add on I was asked to overwrite a file in the library (possibility the index.html, which is only 1byte now). Not sure if this could be a potential problem.
there is still support for this add-on? I have since 1.5.3 a problem, so I only last threads are displayed at the frontend XenForo.

Everything else that I have set in the add-on's settings is not displayed.

It would be quite helpful if you would make this add-on with XenForo 1.5 compatible.
can someone get to support this addon or rewrite it?
It has very high potential that I could even pay to see get supported
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