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Advanced Forum Statistics 1.0

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vinavb submitted a new resource:

Advanced Forum Statistics (version 1.0) - Advanced Forum Statistics

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1. Upload all the folder with file in UPLOAD folder to your root folder.
2. Import Product
3. Settings -> options - > Advanced Forum Statistics change all options to fit your need.
4. Remember to mark as installed and nominate if you use and like this mod.

View attachment 28156...

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Works perfectly, one issue though when choosing Other for its position and using your code snippet below the node list so I can wrap it in the member only conditional it duplicates the container for the stats and the tabs. Any chance of a fix or allowing to show to members?

Thanks for this, it has been a long wait for this.
Can you tell me where I can change the name of the Header from 'Ajax - Advanced Forum Statistics' to 'Advanced Forum Stats'?
Can you tell me where I can change the name of the Header from 'Ajax - Advanced Forum Statistics' to 'Advanced Forum Stats'?
i dont have this installed, but as a general rule, to change things like that simply search the phrases for whatever it is you are looking to replace; ie, 'advanced forum statistics'.
I really like this add-on. Just one thing, though, in the description it shows 'Recent Post,' but when installed it reads 'Recent Thread.' How do I change it to 'Post.' It isn't in Phrases.
i dont have this installed, but as a general rule, to change things like that simply search the phrases for whatever it is you are looking to replace; ie, 'advanced forum statistics'.
As a general rule, I've looked at all the appropriate-looking phrases and it still shows. That's why I'm asking in this thread...
This adds a high volume of load to busy servers. Needs caching.
Also some phrases are still hard coded.

May I suggest adding a feature for caching (such as Floris had in his "Popular Content" AddOn)?
It doesn't care forum permissions or user permissions, also moderated threads are being displayed to the public (every user, it doesn't check permission).
Can you tell me where I can change the name of the Header from 'Ajax - Advanced Forum Statistics' to 'Advanced Forum Stats'?

search template, you can remove it from
admincp > Appearance > Languages & Phrases > Search Phrases

Edit Phrase: ******AdvStats

you can remove and rename it :D
search template, you can remove it from
admincp > Appearance > Languages & Phrases > Search Phrases

Edit Phrase: ******AdvStats

you can remove and rename it :D
Thanks! Funny, I had found it 'just' last night, but better late than never ;-)
I copied all of the folders into the proper folders. How do you "Import" the file into XF? Link? Install from server? With a link or?
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