Not a bug Admin CP -> Groups and Persmissions -> Moderators - timout while loading


Active member
Affected version
XF 2.0.2
I have a forum with 1500+ nodes. There are also quite some moderators for those forums.
When i go to "Admin PC > Groups and Permissions -> Moderators" then page times out and i get the familiar PHP error of 30 seconds execution time.

It most often time out in src/XF/Extensions.php but also in other files. I made a workaround for this by adding "set_time_limit(200);" in Extensions.php.

Now my install buggers me about one file with unexpected content so i hope there will be a fix in a future update of XenForo :)
There's not really anything for us to fix here. It's really just going to be a side effect of the number of nodes you have, and the increased amount of processing that will take in various areas.

Obviously if you change the contents of a file, you will indeed get that warning. So my only suggestion would be to globally increase the max_execution_time value on your server, or look at applying that conditionally via config.php. For example, you could apply it to any user who is accessing from a certain IP address.
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