Lack of interest Add "Whitlisting" for File health check, for self changed Files

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Well-known member
A whitelist for entries in the file health check to avoid this:


and so on.....

I additionally compress the graphics on the server, as well as the graphics of Xenforo.
Then the "File health check" shows many "Falsepositves".

Also, I have to change the source code for many an addon which shows many "false positives" in the "File health check".
In principle, that's a good thing, but you do not recognize in the multitude of "false positives" anymore if an unwanted change to other checked files actually takes place.
A whitelist for yourself and wanted changed files could help here.
Upvote 3
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There is.

Users who manage to sucessfully modify hashes.json for a new hash most likely pretty much know what they are doing - users who just click an icon don't ;)
I don't like this suggestion and I therefore think it's a bad idea to offer an Add-on that does implement this.
Every virus scanner has a file whitelist function. The user should have control over this, and the fact all virus scanners do this supports this position..
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