XF 2.1 Refix file health check results for addon files?


Active member
After using the release command for my addon, I uploaded it to the remote server and installed it. All good till here.

After testing it out on the remote server, I found a bug. To fix it, I decided to take a shortcut and modified the Asprin/myaddon/Pub/Controller file directly on the server and saved it.

Now in the ACP, the file health check detected it and reported that one of the files have been modified and that if I know that it's modified, I can ignore the warning. That's all good. However, any way to make that warning go away? I see no option to dismiss that error. I even tried the "Rebuild" option from the addons page but no luck.

Any suggestions?
You can delete the hashes.json file for the addon if you want it to skip checking files for that addon. Your other option is to build a new release and upload the files (specifically the hashes file). Basically you either need to delete or update your hashes file for the addon.
You can delete the hashes.json file for the addon if you want it to skip checking files for that addon. Your other option is to build a new release and upload the files (specifically the hashes file). Basically you either need to delete or update your hashes file for the addon.
Out of curiosity, does XF also compare the source code to detect if a file was changed or just references the hashes.json file to come to that conclusion?

I'm thinking it's the former since I don't recall modifying the hashes.json file (I only edited the php file) and yet the file health check flagged the file.

Also, I'm assuming in such cases (where differences are found) XF considers the updated source code and not original while running it.
The hashes file is just that… a list of file hashes for each file. With that you can tell if something was changed, but not what exactly in the file was changed. It doesn’t keep track of old/new versions. It only knows that the file changed and that it should be flagged because it changed somehow.
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