Fixed Add *target="_blank"* during install/upgrade steps.


Affected version

Please consider adding target="_blank" in the Copyright of the page that appears at the bottom during the installation / update steps through the browser, since a miss click can completely ruin the process.

The branding is standard throughout the site and comes from the same code.

That said, accidentally leaving the process shouldn't actually ruin the process, so I'd be more interested in hearing in what way the process broke for you.

We have a system in XF2 which tracks your progress through an upgrade, so even if you close your browser window, and come back to it, it should generally be able to resume without an issue.

There's potentially an edge case exception to this when it involves column renames or columns being dropped, where the step could throw errors if we try to rename or drop them again (because that action already happened).
FWIW aside from this specific issue, having a target="_BLANK" on the branding in general wouldn't be a horrible idea, I doubt many people want their users completely going away from their site if they click the copyright
During the update of XF1.5 to XF2, if it is interrupted during the initial processes just before importing the phrases and templates (just when alpha or beta comes out and with a number of steps), the upgrade was damaged because some tables or columns dissapear.

The other day, when rebuilding caches, I saw that the copyright note did not appear during the processes, which made me think about what happened to me during the update.
FWIW aside from this specific issue, having a target="_BLANK" on the branding in general wouldn't be a horrible idea, I doubt many people want their users completely going away from their site if they click the copyright
I doubt many people would navigate away from the site they were interested in looking at, and then not be able to find their way back. In fact, opening in a new window exasperates the issue because it can be unexpected, especially for less experienced users, who then can't use the Back button to get back to where they were. I've seen people do this and just close their entire browser, and try and start from scratch, rather than just closing the new tab that just opened.
I've just always been of the opinion that if you're navigating to a new site the link should open in a new tab, doesn't really matter either way all that much. But I don't see it being an issue for someone that clicks it because they're interested in XenForo, but more of a problem that someone clicks it not knowing what it does and then they're on a different site and don't know that they're now on a different site. But, if nobody's complained about it before it's probably not an issue :P
We have gone with the simplest solution of target _blank. This is actually reasonably consistent with things like external links in posts and I don't think I've heard of a particular complaint with that behavior (though I'm sure there will be a subset of people that don't like it).
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