Implemented Add Insert Link Keyboard Shortcut (Cmd + K)


Active member
Most applications use Cmd + K (Ctrl + K on PC) to insert a link. Pressing this in Xenforo's text editor creates an ordered list. What was the reasoning for choosing that shortcut?

Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts for the text editor somewhere? If there is already an insert link shortcut, I can get used to it, but I'd still recommend changing it to the standard.
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I second this. Inserting links must be the most used keyboard shortcut next to bold/italic.

Some editors use Cmd + L
Others use Cmd + K. In fact, this is what Redactor uses by default but in Xenforo it's broken.
That is great news. I'm eager to upgrade to xf2 but my site is add-on heavy and a good but of custom work so I'll have to lag behind a bit for production use. I remember seeing these shortcuts defined in some file somewhere, is it possible to manually edit that file to change this behavior in XF1?
Probably not. Likely related to the XF1 editor not using the native editor dialogs for things like link insertion.
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