Not a bug "ad_forum_view_above_node_list" Template doesn't work


Well-known member
Whatever I put into this template doesn't show. I've tried on my custom styles and the vanilla XF style.
It's for when viewing a forum which has sub-forums:


forum_view is inside a node itself, and if there's no sub-forums there's no nodes inside the forum_view.
As noted, it's specifically when there are nodes:
<xen:if is="{$renderedNodes}">
    <xen:include template="ad_forum_view_above_node_list" />
    <xen:include template="node_list" />
    <xen:if is="{$newDiscussionButton}">
        <div class="nodeListNewDiscussionButton">{xen:raw $newDiscussionButton}</div>
I hesitate to change it now, but you can easily move the include up and outside the if tag, if that suits your needs.
Note that the "forum_view" reference in the template name is referring to the template it applies to (forum_view). The main page is the forum_list template.
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