[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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How to create different portal page with another layout? This instruction seems doesn't work anymore
I have RecentNews block on root of site / and I need another page (e.g. /promo, or /portal/promo/index like in instruction) with RecentFeatures block
when I add another layout with name promo and try to access /portal/promo/index i got redirection to main page
Hello everyone,

I have a little problem with the recent news block, the block displays all subjects a source forum, what I want to do is to choose the topics that are shown in the block recent news

Hope you understand my problem

Thank you in advance for your help.

(Excuse me for my english, I'm french and I use google translation)
Hello everyone,

I have a little problem with the recent news block, the block displays all subjects a source forum, what I want to do is to choose the topics that are shown in the block recent news

Hope you understand my problem

Thank you in advance for your help.

(Excuse me for my english, I'm french and I use google translation)

So you want the recent news block to display specific threads not a specific forum?

How to create different portal page with another layout? This instruction seems doesn't work anymore
I have RecentNews block on root of site / and I need another page (e.g. /promo, or /portal/promo/index like in instruction) with RecentFeatures block
when I add another layout with name promo and try to access /portal/promo/index i got redirection to main page

You can http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenporta-user-guide-and-faq.24241/

Can I have two or more RecentNews Blocks, each pulling threads from different forums?

Yes, this is possible.

Then all you need to do is add the link to the navigation bar.
You can http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenporta-user-guide-and-faq.24241/

Then all you need to do is add the link to the navigation bar.

I can't, I explain before: this part for instruction
Can I use layouts to create multiple portal pages?

Yes, this is done simply by defining a new layout as above but not specifying a type and setting the id to whatever you want the new portal page to be named (e.g. news). This additional portal layout can then be accessed from /portal/{layout}/index (e.g. (/portal/news/index).
not work for xenForo 1.3.2 and xenPorta 1.6.0, after defining new layout and try accessing it via /portal/promo/index i got redirection to main page
I have an expired XF licence which ran out in January 2014. I was considering paying the $40 to subscribe again for 1.3.x however it seems that XenPorta will only work on 1.2.x anyways?
In that case am I better off simply installing 1.2.4 (the latest version I can acquire) and XenPorta 1.6.0, and once the new version of XenPorta comes out (if/when Jaxel releases it) I can then pay the $40 to update to the latest XF (and of course, pay Jaxel for his release)?

What I am mainly getting at is if 1.2.4 is stable/secure, is there really any huge benefit to upgrade right now?
I'm sorry but this is happening to me:

Would someone please tell me the solution how to get the second Home (The XENPORTA portal) set as the default HOME page, and remove the first HOME (which simply redirects to the Forums tab)?
How i can have the home of Xenporta in the site homepage (www.site.com), and the forum in forum route (www.site.com/forum) like 8wayrun?

Also, i see that if i set that the "portal" will be the homepage, the widgets on the forum disappear (when i restore that to the default, i see these widgets again...).
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