[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Jason, one missing aspect from your news block css to comply with XF responsiveness is:

.newsText object,
.newsText embed
max-width: 100%;

This will ensure video displayed in the portal is responsive on mobile devices.
I add this to EWRblock_RecentNews.css template and resize the windows still does not shrink the youtube video.
Add it into your extra.css. I would have to look at the new block css file. Jason should add it there for his mod... it may require an !important in there to work depending on what is loading after it.

When in doubt, put it in extra.css as it loads last and overrides all else.
Love the avatar!
Qatlho' !
Sorry if its already been asked, but in regards to the Recent Accordion. Is that not working as well?
Sorry, difficult to look through the sea of posts there are >_<
It doesn't appear to be working; I think it may be depreciated?
Yes, the RecentAccordion block was deprecated in 1.5.6

  • The RecentSlider and RecentAccordion blocks have been removed from the install files. You can still use these blocks from the old install files if you wish; but I will no longer be supporting them. These blocks have been deprecated in favor of the new RecentFeatures block.


So as it says, use the RecentFeatures block instead.
I'm using the RecentFeatures block - I was using the accordian ... neither are working and it was working fine in 1.1.4
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