[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Are you sure you're not installing the php file rather than the xml file?

Yes, i install the xml file. But i must say, that i install the german version before.
I try to update the Addon, but then comes mistakes. After i deinstall the german Version i try to install the original from here again. Than comes the mistakes:


Need help :) What i can do? I reinstall the Database before install. But the problem exist.

Sorry for my bad english...
Still looking for help on how to modify the block sizes and positions in the basic Portal layout.

Earlier post for more details:
...can anyone explain why a custom layout called "Forum" with no ID (and having no other forum layouts) doesn't seem to be able to change my forum page? Or why enabling "Index (index > portal)", which appears to be the only way to create different portal layouts (which also have blocks that can't seem to be adjusted), also applies the portal layout to my entire site, even the forums, despite the Forums having its own layout?

I'm just trying to make a basic portal page with the RecentSlider (or hell, RecentNews, RecentThreads, I'll take what I can get) block taking up the left 2/3 of the page and some smaller blocks on the right, and it's driving me crazy. Pretty much every example of XenPorta I've seen has this, and I can't for the life of me figure out how.
Can someone please confirm that a bug exists when merging threads? Try and merge two threads. Try merging any thread into a thread that appears on the homepage.

Please confirm so we might get this fixed.

Can someone please confirm that a bug exists when merging threads? Try and merge two threads. Try merging any thread into a thread that appears on the homepage.

Please confirm so we might get this fixed.

Just did some extensive tests, and I can not recreate this bug. The issue is probably related to this mod:

It looks like that mod is wiping out the ['join'] field of $fetchOptions... which it shouldn't. But technically is not an error until another mod (such as mine), tries to use the ['join'] field.
Eh? Customised layouts work fine. Have a read of Saeed and mine's FAQ to see how.
I read the FAQ and experimented extensively before making my original post in this thread. I found nothing which allowed me to modify the block sizes and shapes in the original Portal Layout. I'm sure there is a way, since other people have done it, I just can't figure it out myself. Any help would be appreciated.
It looks like that mod is wiping out the ['join'] field of $fetchOptions... which it shouldn't. But technically is not an error until another mod (such as mine), tries to use the ['join'] field.
Bookmarks does not extend or overwrite the function getPostsInThread (EWRporta/Model/Post.php) it simply calls it.
You may want to change your line:
$fetchOptions['join'] += self::FETCH_THREAD;
if (!empty($fetchOptions['join']))
    $fetchOptions['join'] |= self::FETCH_THREAD;
    $fetchOptions['join'] = self::FETCH_THREAD;
Bookmarks does not extend or overwrite the function getPostsInThread it simply calls it.
You may want to change your line:
$fetchOptions['join'] += self::FETCH_THREAD;
if (!empty($fetchOptions['join']))
    $fetchOptions['join'] |= self::FETCH_THREAD;
    $fetchOptions['join'] = self::FETCH_THREAD;
That is not an option. It needs to join self::FETCH_THREAD in ADDITION to the other stuff... if the other stuff is lost, because of the Bookmarks extension, then it will be broken.
First of all Bookmarks does not even use the $fetchOptions array
Secondly |= is a bitwise addition - which means it will ADD to it
I uploaded my XenForo installation from localhost to a webhost(files via FTP and database via Sypex Dumper) and got this error whenever I accessed the portal:

After searching extensively, I found out that the database table names suddenly became case-sensitive. The XenPorta scripts reference tables with names that begin with "EWRporta", but all the table names began with "ewrporta". After renaming them to the proper case, everything worked fine.

I don't know if this has something to do with the server or an error during the transfer process. I transferred the database multiple times and ended up with the same error.

EDIT: After confirming with the XenPorta Install.php file, the tables were SUPPOSED to be entered in the proper case, yet they were all in lower-case. I've read that being on Windows makes table names case-insensitive. More Info
I believe that your local wamp server would have the mysql instance configured as case insensitive (nothing to do with windows) - when the tables were created they would have been created in lowercase. I think the mod is not at fault.
Hi Jaxel

I'm sorry but there are some (maybe) hardcoded phrases in your portal (acp)

categories at /admin.php?ewrporta/categories
Group Selection Type at /admin.php?ewrporta/blocks/...
Usergroups at /admin.php?ewrporta/blocks/...

Are you able to fix this in a future version? Thanks a lot
I just tried to update from 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 and get:

Template titles must be unique. The specified title is already in use.
I believe that your local wamp server would have the mysql instance configured as case insensitive (nothing to do with windows) - when the tables were created they would have been created in lowercase. I think the mod is not at fault.
According to this, it has a lot to do with Windows, since "lower_case_table_names" is set to 1 by default. In which case, all table names are force converted to lower-case. The default is 0 in Linux. This variable has to be reconfigured to match your web server's OS.
Its not really anything to do with windows really, its a mysql setting and more to do with the package its bundled in. I have used ?AMP packages on windows before and have had case sensitive tables. In this instance I believe its whatever ?AMP bundle you go with - I have XAMPP installed right now which is case insensitive by default but there are many other ?AMP bundles out there.
Its not really anything to do with windows really, its a mysql setting and more to do with the package its bundled in. I have used ?AMP packages on windows before and have had case sensitive tables. In this instance I believe its whatever ?AMP bundle you go with - I have XAMPP installed right now which is case insensitive by default but there are many other ?AMP bundles out there.
You're right, but XAMPP is a cross-platform bundle. Depending on what OS you use, the setting will change on its own. In order to change this setting regardless of platform, a line must be added to the "my.ini" file. (I'm using XAMPP, too.)
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