[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

No permission to download
Then i guess you need to update your user permissions ;)

Which permission? There are only two for XenPorta: "Can customize portal layout" -- which should be irrelevant to this discussion, and "Can Promote Threads", which is already checked, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to promote the thread in the first place.

@Jaxel: Is it possible to easily rephrase the activity phrase from "Viewing portal index" to "Viewing page Home"? (The blue text represents the hyperlink.) I've tried this before, and I know "Viewing portal" is a phrase, which can be easily changed, but it looks like "index" comes from somewhere else.

Personally, "Viewing portal index" sounds okay, I just like "Viewing page Home" better, but I also think that "portal index" should be the hyperlink, not just "index," because then it's quite clear what the link is.

In addition to this, is it possible to change the look of the Recent Threads block?


Instead of the avatar being from the last poster, have the avatar be the creator's. Then instead of "User @ Today at 8:15 AM," for example (because the @ doesn't even make sense to me), have "Latest Post By: User
Today at 8:15 AM."

Here's a mockup. The timestamp is what would link to the latest post.
Then i guess you need to update your user permissions ;)

Thanks for the screenshot. This appears to be a bug in the article view layout.

If I turn the article layout off, the button appears at the top right of the page. There's a template for it called "EWRporta_ThreadView" that has the relevant code. It gets called in the normal thread_view template, but even thought the same code appears to be included in the EWRporta_ArticleView template, it never gets called.

Instead, I added the button code directly to the ArticleView template. Near the bottom, find the following lines:
    <xen:if is="{$canEditThread}">
       <div class="categoryEdit">
And paste this after:
<a href="{xen:link 'threads/promote', $thread}" class="button OverlayTrigger" data-cacheOverlay="false">{xen:phrase promote_options}</a>

And actually... I have just discovered a second bug. The $canEditThread permission above originally included the button to edit category assignments for a promoted article. However, $canEditThread is a generic moderator permission. XenPorta has a second permission (canPromote) that regulates whether or not the user can promote threads and edit their properties. So moderators will be able to see these buttons, but will receive an error when they click on them.

Okay, in the above example, I changed the existing code in the EWRporta_ArticleView template from:

<xen:if is="{$canEditThread}">

<xen:if is="{$visitor.permissions.EWRporta.canPromote}">

And that fixed the problem of general content moderators seeing buttons that they didn't have permission to use.

However, I still don't understand why the code for the promotion options button was never getting called in the articleview template. Does anybody understand how xen:topctrl is supposed to work?
Hoping someone can help me, I am a newbie when it comes to HTML/CSS. I installed XenPorta and I am trying to create a homepage with the hypertext blocks. In there I am trying to create lists of items but I cant seem to get any HTML code to work in the blocks.

I try doing

But none of the HTML takes. Anyone who can help me with the correct way to use the HTML or CSS for the blocks?
I searched through a lot of this thread and other xenporta information but can't really find the help I need.

Is it possible to just add the article view to 1 forum? I tested out a lot of different settings but could only get article view to work with all the "recent news" threads from all the forums I have showing on the "recent news" portal page. I only want to use it for 1 of these forums.
Hey guys, I am not sure where to find any documentation.
I use google to search a bunch of different keywords for "Create XenPorta Layout". I found zero useful results. I fear I am simply un-educated in the process.

I want to create layouts and assign those layouts to particular forums and pages. It appears I should be able to do this.

Any help would be appreciated.

thank you.
Hey guys, I am not sure where to find any documentation.
I use google to search a bunch of different keywords for "Create XenPorta Layout". I found zero useful results. I fear I am simply un-educated in the process.

I want to create layouts and assign those layouts to particular forums and pages. It appears I should be able to do this.

Any help would be appreciated.

thank you.
Once you check off "Forum" in "Globalize Custom Layouts" then you can go to "Layouts" menu and start creating custom layouts for all forums or individual forums (based on forum-id). The option to create layouts doesn't show up until you check off the option in the Xenporta Options menu.
Once you check off "Forum" in "Globalize Custom Layouts" then you can go to "Layouts" menu and start creating custom layouts for all forums or individual forums (based on forum-id). The option to create layouts doesn't show up until you check off the option in the Xenporta Options menu.

FANTASTIC, thanks for your reply! I guess once I get more familiar with the XenForo setup I guess that would have been obvious. Really appreciate the response :)

I guess my next questions would be how to change the default layout it creates.
What I mean by that is the containers it creates:

I'm having an issue editing the layout for the index page (which should display the forum listing, and does).
I'm unable to edit the sidebar portion of this page, although the middle sections work fine and dandy. Also oddly the portal shares the top right box with the index regardless if it is in the layout for index.

No errors, except for me about to rip off my own head. Can anyone help?
I actually have another Xenforo installation where everything is working properly and tried comparing different options between them although still was unsuccessful.

Any help in the right direction is appreciated. I'm using the UI X theme if that matters.
how do i make this wider http://puu.sh/6MGje.png
Place the block in one of the right columns (top right, mid right, or bottom right) rather than the left.
I'm having an issue editing the layout for the index page (which should display the forum listing, and does).
I'm unable to edit the sidebar portion of this page, although the middle sections work fine and dandy. Also oddly the portal shares the top right box with the index regardless if it is in the layout for index.

No errors, except for me about to rip off my own head. Can anyone help?
I actually have another Xenforo installation where everything is working properly and tried comparing different options between them although still was unsuccessful.

Any help in the right direction is appreciated. I'm using the UI X theme if that matters.
Does the layout work properly on the default style? I've never used UI.X so I don't know if there are XenPorta conflicts. If you could also post a screen of your portal layout.
Place the block in one of the right columns (top right, mid right, or bottom right) rather than the left.

Does the layout work properly on the default style? I've never used UI.X so I don't know if there are XenPorta conflicts. If you could also post a screen of your portal layout.
No the layout fails to work on the default style.

Here's screenshot of the index layout: http://gyazo.com/b7a39d817ff112603b39db5f62ab791d
Here's a screenshot of what it displays in sidebar instead: http://gyazo.com/6baab983f5566e9dff2869548def4698

Yes Index (index > portal) is checked off.
Did you find anyone who knows how to do this?

I have just set it all up as in this thread Trash XenPorta Sidebar. Very easy to do but just remember the first block "Clear Side blocks" only clears the blocks on the right where you want to place your Widget Framework Blocks. The blocks in the left and middle are still done in the XenPorta configuration. I have selected to not have anything in the left so I am just using the middle option from XenPorta
Place the block in one of the right columns (top right, mid right, or bottom right) rather than the left.

Does the layout work properly on the default style? I've never used UI.X so I don't know if there are XenPorta conflicts. If you could also post a screen of your portal layout.
I managed to fix this. The issue was WidgetFramework.
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