[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

No permission to download
Here's the error message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in .../library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php on line 79
No he shouldn't have to give support for a free mod if he doesn't want to. It's free, it's your choice as to whether you install it or not (the same for me too and I have chosen to install it). Yes, it would be good if he did respond to support requests but he's not obliged to for a free mod and as I quoted him saying in my previous post, he said he wouldn't (so when he does, we're lucky that he does). Frankly I'm not surprised that he doesn't respond much at all in this thread, the same questions arise again and again because people don't read the FAQs or the update posts. It's therefore not surprising that the genuine issues that some have go unanswered. Not that we should expect answers anyway, he said he wouldn't give support. Jaxel has stated that he'll fully support his paid-for mods, that is all.

So, your choice is you can wait and hope that Jaxel might respond, but he may not. You can try to fix any issues yourself. Or you can uninstall XenPorta and using another solution instead, such as Simple Portal.

It is usual business practice to offer even simple, odd bodd support to any one using one's product in order to get that someone to pay a premium price for any future products released - this is how you build customer loyalty and a growing longer-term user-base.

But, no bother.
All of a sudden the RecentThreads block started spewing errors:

Template Errors: EWRblock_RecentThreads

  1. Argument 1 passed to XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperUserNameHtml() must be an array, boolean given in .../library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php, line 1507
  2. Argument 1 passed to XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperRichUserName() must be an array, boolean given in .../library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php, line 890
  3. Argument 1 passed to XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getUserHref() must be an array, boolean given, called in .../library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php on line 1519 and defined in /.../library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php, line 1408

Here's the error message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in .../library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php on line 79

Then an addon is causing this, I don't know which one but it will probably be one with 'porta' in the name. (xenPorta probably).
Okay, so check that the latest version of the add-on is being used (and if not, upgrade it) - and if it's a very recent add-on try removing it completely and re-installing it (in case it was a bad file upload).

After that, as Liam has suggested, you'll need to find the XenPorta resource discussion and ask there.

Shaun :D
We're using the latest version, yes. Re-uploading the files now. I hope that helps.

The odd thing is that things worked fine last night, but somehow went bonkers today for some reaosn.
We're using the latest version, yes. Re-uploading the files now. I hope that helps.

The odd thing is that things worked fine last night, but somehow went bonkers today for some reaosn.

That is strange, I'll check the files myself now and see if it is an error in them.
Think I've found the bug, the $db instance in that file isn't initialised.

Try changing this:

public function updatePromotion($input)
    $dw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('EWRporta_DataWriter_Promotes');
    if ($promote = $this->getPromoteByThreadId($input['thread_id']))

    if ($input['delete'])
        $db->query("DELETE FROM EWRporta_catlinks WHERE thread_id = ?", $input['thread_id']);
        if ($input['ampm'] == 'pm')
            $input['hour'] = $input['hour']+12;

        $input['time'] = $input['hour'] . ":" . str_pad($input['mins'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

        $datetime = $input['date']." ".$input['time']." ".$input['ampm']." ".$input['zone'];

            'thread_id' => $input['thread_id'],
            'promote_date' => strtotime($datetime),
            'promote_icon' => $input['promote_icon'],

        switch ($input['promote_icon'])
            case 'attach':    $dw->set('promote_data', $input['attach_data']);    break;
            case 'image':    $dw->set('promote_data', $input['image_data']);        break;
            case 'medio':    $dw->set('promote_data', $input['medio_data']);        break;
            default:        $dw->set('promote_data', 0);


    return true;

to this:

public function updatePromotion($input)
    $dw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('EWRporta_DataWriter_Promotes');
    $db = XenForo_Application::getDb();

    if ($promote = $this->getPromoteByThreadId($input['thread_id']))

    if ($input['delete'])
        $db->query("DELETE FROM EWRporta_catlinks WHERE thread_id = ?", $input['thread_id']);
        if ($input['ampm'] == 'pm')
            $input['hour'] = $input['hour']+12;

        $input['time'] = $input['hour'] . ":" . str_pad($input['mins'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

        $datetime = $input['date']." ".$input['time']." ".$input['ampm']." ".$input['zone'];

            'thread_id' => $input['thread_id'],
            'promote_date' => strtotime($datetime),
            'promote_icon' => $input['promote_icon'],

        switch ($input['promote_icon'])
            case 'attach':    $dw->set('promote_data', $input['attach_data']);    break;
            case 'image':    $dw->set('promote_data', $input['image_data']);        break;
            case 'medio':    $dw->set('promote_data', $input['medio_data']);        break;
            default:        $dw->set('promote_data', 0);


    return true;

$db = XenForo_Application::getDb();
$dw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('EWRporta_DataWriter_Promotes');
Thanks. That seems to have solved that issue at least :) I'm still experiencing template errors, though. Not sure why it would suddenly start doing that.
Thanks. That seems to have solved that issue at least :) I'm still experiencing template errors, though. Not sure why it would suddenly start doing that.

This is a shock indeed but I don't think its to do with the new last poster avatar custom mod you installed, I think we had a bug in XenPorta for some time, i.e. our earlier issue with this when we faced errors in that the moderator block was appearing fully when you placed XP's Recent Threads block on Thread and Forum pages... you'll recall.

But the error I mentioned erarlier is still there - you just add a new thread then go to that thread as admin, check that thread and click permanently delete on the pop up moderator block ... it says

'Global Discussion Forum - Error

The requested thread could not be found.'

And the template errors you are facing - these would also need to be eradicated, hopefully someone here can provide a fix for this issue as a whole...
Edit: Let me rephrase my question

What I'm trying to accomplish is to have have one forum that displays all threads as an article using a custom layout.

I checked this: Article (article-# > article > portal)
Categories (articles-#slug > articles > portal)

That seemed to work but I would also like to be able to promote regular threads that aren't in my article forum to the Recent Features slider without turning those threads into an article. If that's not possible is there a way to give articles in different forums separate layouts?

Last edited:
I am using XenPorta but the recent threads are not making their way to the Twitter Block, although they do make their way as tweets to the Twitter account.

Also, if I post a tweet directly from within the Twitter account itself these tweets show up in Twitter search results for that Twitter account, but all recent threads are not making there way to the Twitter block?

Jaxel is not providing any support despite several reminders to him... has any one solved this issue?


any one experienced this? any resolution?
also, any one experienced this? any solution?

Jaxel said use the latest X5 block, but, I already have the very latest version of XP on my site at www.gdf.tv and if I place the Recent Threads block on the threads and posts pages it doesn't allow the moderator block to pop up - the moderator block only pops up on the main page and on the main forum page? What to do?
Well, I just spent a couple hours trying to get the Articles block to work. I don't understand XenPorta I guess, just not intuitive to me. I want articles to pull from a forum. I edit the block, select that forum to pull from. The options are to show just the most recent 5. I add the block to portal. Nothing shows up. Ive pretty much changed every setting and it won't show up no matter what I do. I've tried promoting threads, nothing.
Well, I just spent a couple hours trying to get the Articles block to work. I don't understand XenPorta I guess, just not intuitive to me. I want articles to pull from a forum. I edit the block, select that forum to pull from. The options are to show just the most recent 5. I add the block to portal. Nothing shows up. Ive pretty much changed every setting and it won't show up no matter what I do. I've tried promoting threads, nothing.

Isn't their a time cache setting? I always change it to 1min to get it to appear pretty much instantly while I am testing. Without seeing the installation, that would be my only guess.
Well, I just spent a couple hours trying to get the Articles block to work. I don't understand XenPorta I guess, just not intuitive to me. I want articles to pull from a forum. I edit the block, select that forum to pull from. The options are to show just the most recent 5. I add the block to portal. Nothing shows up. Ive pretty much changed every setting and it won't show up no matter what I do. I've tried promoting threads, nothing.

Several problems here too but Jaxel nor any one else is giving support
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