[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) 1.3.9a

No permission to download

Template is here: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xencarta-template-repository.28671/#post-310755
 <!-- Modified by Ryan.  Part 1 of 2 modifications in this template to remove breadcrumb from forum main page -->
                        <xen:if is="!in_array({$contentTemplate}, array('forum_list','EWRcarta_PageView'))">
                          <div class="breadBoxTop">
                            <xen:if is="{$topctrl}"><div class="topCtrl">{xen:raw $topctrl}</div></xen:if>
                            <xen:include template="breadcrumb"><xen:set var="$microdata">1</xen:set></xen:include>
                        <xen:else />
Ryan Kent said: Test and it works for me. It follows the example in the first link I offered. The change is made in the PAGE_CONTAINER template. Note my code also removes the breadcrumb from the forums. If you don't wish to remove the breadcrumbs on your forums as well, remove that part of the code.

Any idea how I can remove my XenCarta breadcrumb ? Does the above code work ?
I would rather comment out a section of code in NavTabs.php than change the PAGE_CONTAINER template.


class EWRcarta_Listener_NavTabs
    public static function listen(array &$extraTabs, $selectedTabId)
        $permsModel = XenForo_Model::create('EWRcarta_Model_Perms');
        $perms = $permsModel->getPermissions();
        $indexModel = XenForo_Model::create('EWRcarta_Model_Lists');
        $index = $indexModel->getIndex();
        $extraTabs['wiki'] = array(
            'title' => new XenForo_Phrase('wiki'),
            'href' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:wiki'),
            'position' => 'middle',
            'linksTemplate' => 'EWRcarta_Navtabs',
            'perms' => $perms,
            'index' => $index,
Two ways to remove the Wiki Nav Tab:
I would rather comment out a section of code in NavTabs.php than change the PAGE_CONTAINER template.


class EWRcarta_Listener_NavTabs
    public static function listen(array &$extraTabs, $selectedTabId)
        $permsModel = XenForo_Model::create('EWRcarta_Model_Perms');
        $perms = $permsModel->getPermissions();
        $indexModel = XenForo_Model::create('EWRcarta_Model_Lists');
        $index = $indexModel->getIndex();
        $extraTabs['wiki'] = array(
            'title' => new XenForo_Phrase('wiki'),
            'href' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:wiki'),
            'position' => 'middle',
            'linksTemplate' => 'EWRcarta_Navtabs',
            'perms' => $perms,
            'index' => $index,

Yeah, I just added to it the existing use.
There is also a EWR template which sets it - I suppose I could have wrapped that in IF also if I wanted admins to see it (no need in my case).

Code below does away with the wiki tab

.navTabs .navTab.wiki
    display: none;
To remove the Breadcrumb for the wiki (which is only somewhat useful if you deeply nest things).

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EXTRA.css

Add this code:

.EWRcarta_PageView .breadBoxTop,
.EWRcarta_PageView .titleBar
    display: none;

Tweaked from this source by Jake Bunce.


Hey ... the Title is missing. :(
I guess the title is part of the breadcrumb ?
Here we go again, this is the second hack I've used or installed that is not working properly. I HAVE ALL the permissions already set and I have no links to create or edit any pages.

Admin perms in admin panel:

View attachment 40653

The Wiki as I see it after the install:

View attachment 40654

When I visit this page to create a page I get this:

View attachment 40655

Someone already posted about this a couple of times actually and no one has answered. "Set the permissions." does not help as they are ALREADY set as far as I know unless I'm missing extra permissions elsewhere in the hack or on the site in which case I would like to know where that is. I really think these hacks will be useful for my site but there seems to be a lack of documentation or help with getting them set up completely. If there is some XenForo thing that everyone thinks I'm obviously missing then tell me what it is. I'm a long time vBulletin user and XenForo is a new thing for me. Not everyone who downloads these things can read minds or all of a sudden knows exactly how to do all these things on the forum.

no need to get so over dramatic .. I am sure there is a simple solution to your problem. I have used the XenCarta addon for quite some time. I am also current vBulletin Connect user.
1. make sure you uploaded everything to its proper folder on your server.
2. upgrade the addon using ACP->Manage Addons->Xencarta->Controls->Upgrade Addon ... select the XML file tha tyou used to install the addon. You are basically reinstalling over top what you have already done previously.

good luck
Suggestion: ability to add a discussion thread from the initial [Create Page] screen.


Currently, you create a page with no option to create a discussion thread for the Page ... but if you [Edit] the Page ... the ability to add a discussion thread is at the bottom of the page (underneath permissions).
Why do you have to use them in the first place ?
There probably is some bbcode to disable smiles. Not sure it would work in a wiki article.
How i can disable all smilies on my forum?

Not sure what you mean.
Whenever i create a new entry these options are automatically set:
[ ]Show Page Sidebar Block
[ ]Show Page Children List
[x]Mark Page as Protected

The last option "Mark Page as Protected" is automatically aktivated and i can't unmark it. How can i remove it?
Has any member here imported either articles, entries or another wiki in Xencarta?

I have about 150 entries in my old EE wiki - and need to get them in. I don't need owner info and revision history - just the titles, text and attachments. I think attachments could be a bit tough as XF probably wants everything brought in through the upload system.....

Any experiences welcome? I may end up doing this brute force by cutting and pasting.....
Ah, I am actually getting somewhere with exporting and importing my old wiki articles! But that's another story.....

Question for you experts in this.....

It seems that there are 3 different schemes on the index page for the listing of the index, and they don't match up. The enclosed screen shot shows the examples.

For instance, I don't want the separate people and manufacturers, etc. to show up on the main wiki index on the left - but they do, even though the wiki index rating is set at "0" (don't show).

In short, I want the main wiki index page to just show:

Codes, Standards and Guidelines


As opposed to listing all the child pages under those second levels as it is now.

Screen Shot 2013-03-28 at 9.17.09 AM.webp
and i have a new problem, the code of the page is:
<div style="text-align: left;">
    <br /><br />
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td align="left" width="250" class="subHeading"><b>Command</b></td>
            <td align="left" class="subHeading"><b>Beschreibung</b></td>
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions save | desc=Speichert damit Änderungen auch nach Neustart des Plugins bestehen bleiben.[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions reload | desc=Neustart das Plugins um Änderungen wirksam zu machen[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions cleanup | desc=Löscht alle leeren Benutzer & Benutzergruppen[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions backup | desc=Backup erstellen[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:setgroup v:Lehrling | desc=Freischaltung RP Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistmod] name=/promote [user] | desc=Freischaltung RP Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:setgroup v:User | desc=Freischaltung Build Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistmod] name=/promote [user] | desc=Freischaltung Build Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:addgroup v:away | desc=Spieler abwesend setzen (RP Server)[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:rmgroup v:away | desc=Spieler abwesend entfernen (RP Server)[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:addgroup v:garde | desc=Söldner zur Garde ernennen[/template]
        [template=commandlistmod] name=/promote [user] Titel | desc=Titelaufstieg(löscht andere Gruppen)[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:addgroup v:premuser | desc=PremUser vergeben[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:[action] v:[value] | desc=  [/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addgroup fügt [user] der Gruppe [value] hinzu.[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmgroup entfernt [user] aus der Gruppe [value][/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=setgroup setzt die Gruppe von [user] auf [value][/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addperm fügt [user] die Berechtigung [value] hinzu[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmperm nimmt [user] die Berechtigung [value] ab[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=meta editieren von meta-daten[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec g:[group] a:[action] v:[value] | desc=  [/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addgroup <gruop> erbt die Gruppe [value][/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmgroup entfernt die Gruppe [value] aus <group>[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addperm fügt <group> die Berechtigung [value] hinzu[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmperm nimmt <group> die Berechtigung [value] ab[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=meta editieren von meta-daten[/template]

and if i save it, i get a white page
I am trying to figure out how 'join the conversation' bit work. If you click this it asks you to login to our own twitter account and thats it. So, how do I follow a given site on which it says 'join the conversation'? How do I follow that site's twitter account there on? How would I keep track of that site's tweets?
How exactly does this Twitter block actually work?
and i have a new problem, the code of the page is:
<div style="text-align: left;">
    <br /><br />
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td align="left" width="250" class="subHeading"><b>Command</b></td>
            <td align="left" class="subHeading"><b>Beschreibung</b></td>
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions save | desc=Speichert damit Änderungen auch nach Neustart des Plugins bestehen bleiben.[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions reload | desc=Neustart das Plugins um Änderungen wirksam zu machen[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions cleanup | desc=Löscht alle leeren Benutzer & Benutzergruppen[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/permissions backup | desc=Backup erstellen[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:setgroup v:Lehrling | desc=Freischaltung RP Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistmod] name=/promote [user] | desc=Freischaltung RP Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:setgroup v:User | desc=Freischaltung Build Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistmod] name=/promote [user] | desc=Freischaltung Build Server[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:addgroup v:away | desc=Spieler abwesend setzen (RP Server)[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:rmgroup v:away | desc=Spieler abwesend entfernen (RP Server)[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:addgroup v:garde | desc=Söldner zur Garde ernennen[/template]
        [template=commandlistmod] name=/promote [user] Titel | desc=Titelaufstieg(löscht andere Gruppen)[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:addgroup v:premuser | desc=PremUser vergeben[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec u:[user] a:[action] v:[value] | desc=  [/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addgroup fügt [user] der Gruppe [value] hinzu.[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmgroup entfernt [user] aus der Gruppe [value][/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=setgroup setzt die Gruppe von [user] auf [value][/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addperm fügt [user] die Berechtigung [value] hinzu[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmperm nimmt [user] die Berechtigung [value] ab[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=meta editieren von meta-daten[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name=/exec g:[group] a:[action] v:[value] | desc=  [/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addgroup <gruop> erbt die Gruppe [value][/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmgroup entfernt die Gruppe [value] aus <group>[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=addperm fügt <group> die Berechtigung [value] hinzu[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=rmperm nimmt <group> die Berechtigung [value] ab[/template]
        [template=commandlistadmin] name= | desc=meta editieren von meta-daten[/template]

and if i save it, i get a white page
i have found the problem im not allow to use [user]
Has anyone got Permission Masks working?

I only seem to see Permission Masks when creating a new page, and despite what settings I make (e.g. assigning myself as the administrator for that page) I don't see the Permission Masks section when I edit the page again.
Has anyone got Permission Masks working?

I only seem to see Permission Masks when creating a new page, and despite what settings I make (e.g. assigning myself as the administrator for that page) I don't see the Permission Masks section when I edit the page again.
Myke, if you make me an admin on VFDC, I can look into it for you.
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