XF 2.3 60,000 requests a day on new forum


New member
I setup a new forum, and getting over 60,000 requests per day. The first day was 300,000 requests.

They're all going to this path:

Anyone ever seen spam like this before with XenForo?

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Dang. Do you think it's Amazon bot or someone mining with AWS servers?

The user agents were like Google Chrome.

Any user agent can be sent in a header but; https://developer.amazon.com/amazonbot

Mozilla<span>/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML\, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonbot/0.1; +https:/</span>/developer.amazon.com/support/amazonbot)

No chrome ....?

it also has robot.txt controls there.

User-agent: Amazonbot             # Amazon's user agent
Disallow: /do-not-crawl/          # disallow this directory

User-agent: *                     # any robot
Disallow: /not-allowed/           # disallow this directory
Nope, Googlebot uses a specific user agent. Did you see the user agent above?

Yes, bogus header. I'm saying your site has likely been found VIA Google from it being indexed via their bot and thereafter what transpires could be from this. I hope I've explained this better. Easiest way, given how new it is, would be to use the site:domain query.
Yes, bogus header. I'm saying your site has likely been found VIA Google from it being indexed via their bot and thereafter what transpires could be from this. I hope I've explained this better. Easiest way, given how new it is, would be to use the site:domain query.
I have never in my 15 years as a webmaster seen Google use bogus user-agents. Do you have any proof of this? I'm interested in learning more.
I have never in my 15 years as a webmaster seen Google use bogus user-agents. Do you have any proof of this? I'm interested in learning more.
I'm not saying Google are using bogus headers, I am saying that Google may have cached the site and then the bot/crawler that is hounding his site (which is not google, but a rouge bot/crawler/user) with queries is using a fake header by initially finding the site VIA Google, this is why I asked if his NEW site was indexed, to rule this out as a THEORY. Per user agent; "67.0.2768.182" This does not exist or at least I cannot find anything relating to it.


We can also note the use of amazon AWS which anyone can use for malicious activities.
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