XF 1.1 404s with Friendly URL Enabled

Possible causes of friendly URLs not working (usually manifests as "404 not found" error on forum pages):

1) The .htaccess file is not in place in your forum directory.

2) Sometimes you need to specify RewriteBase in your .htaccess file (specify the name of your forum directory):

RewriteBase /xenforo

3) Your server doesn't have mod_rewrite installed. Consult with your host about this.

4) Your server doesn't have AllowOverride enabled:


Consult with your host about this.
I've checked and doubled-checked points 1 and 2.

On point 3, the urls to change--they just don't lead anywhere. Could this be an indication that mod_rewrite isn't installed?
I've checked and doubled-checked points 1 and 2.

On point 3, the urls to change--they just don't lead anywhere. Could this be an indication that mod_rewrite isn't installed?
To check if mod_rewrite is activated go to routeyourforum/admin.php?tools/phpinfo.php it will be shown your PHP configuration, then find the loaded modules at Configuration apache2handler
This is from my host:


The mod_rewrite feature is enabled on our shared servers. As for AllowOverride, there are some settings that can be overridden. What are you trying to override or install that needs this feature? With that info we can check our server to see if it fits your needs.

If you have any questions or comments please let us know.
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