$250 to remove brand removal?? Is this true?


New member
Before I buy XF, I saw that on top of the $140 licensing fee, it's an additional $250 to remove the copyright brand:

" Branding Removal - $250*
This allows you to remove the visible XenForo copyright notice from all pages."

It seems a bit high, since I'm already dropping $140 upfront

Do you guys remove the this brand/copy logo?
Are there other ways to remove the brand after spending $140? via CSS coding for example?
I've kind of assumed companies/users pay for branding removal for 1 of 2 reasons:
  • it's a branded website and don't want to be advertising other products on their own site
  • to prevent competitors from seeing the software used
if it's the latter, I hope said people also remove every reference to XF in the templates.
Before I buy XF, I saw that on top of the $140 licensing fee, it's an additional $250 to remove the copyright brand:

" Branding Removal - $250*
This allows you to remove the visible XenForo copyright notice from all pages."

It seems a bit high, since I'm already dropping $140 upfront

Do you guys remove the this brand/copy logo?

Whether that cost is high or not is a matter of perspective. From a business viewpoint it's actually quite cheap and why would you want to remove it if a private user?

As a private user, even if the option was free, I'd still keep it.

Are there other ways to remove the brand after spending $140? via CSS coding for example?

Any other way of doing it is illegal and effectively piracy. Don't do it.
Whether that cost is high or not is a matter of perspective. From a business viewpoint it's actually quite cheap and why would you want to remove it if a private user?

As a private user, even if the option was free, I'd still keep it.

Any other way of doing it is illegal and effectively piracy. Don't do it.
Not sure I understand your take.

A pricing being high or not is 100% a perspective. There isn't a specific amount of money that makes a price high or lower. The perspective will largely depend on factors like the current income of the business/person and the perceived value of branding free.
Not sure I understand your take.

A pricing being high or not is 100% a perspective.
I literally said it's perspective, it's right there in your quote and I was responding to zenzenzen who thought it's a bit high.

Your post has made me realised however, that they asked this back in April 2018 and haven't been seen since. I wouldn't have bothered replying if I'd realised that lol.
Most members on a community couldn’t care less what software you are running and if or not you have a copyright of said software.

That being said, is there some sort of statistic how much procent of all licenses that have bought the copyright removal?
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