social media

  1. Veer

    [XenCustomize] Enhanced Tagging 1.0.0

    This add-on brings several enhancements to the XenForo content tagging system. It’s tailored for admins who want to organize tags effectively, display them prominently, optimize tags for search engines, and improve tag presentation on social media pages. With XenCustomize Enhanced Tagging, you...
  2. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Open Graph Image

    JoyFreak submitted a new resource: [JoyFreak] Open Graph Image - Control how threads are displayed when shared on social media. Read more about this resource...
  3. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Open Graph Image 2.3.0

    Note: You must be registered or logged in and have a valid XenForo licence status before you can access the product on the products page. This is a XenForo 2 add-on that allows you to control how threads are displayed when shared on social media. Setup: Once installed, select the nodes you...
  4. Old Nick

    Auto OpenGraph for threads

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: Auto OpenGraph for threads - Automatically sets the OpenGraph image with the first image or attachment in the thread. Read more about this resource...
  5. Ozzy47

    Auto OpenGraph for threads 1.0.0

    A simple add-on that allows to set automatically the Open Graph image of a thread using the first image (embedded or attached) of the first thread post. Useful for sharing threads on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, etc...). This add-on uses @JoyFreak's "[JoyFreak] Set Open Graph Image"...
  6. MapleOne

    Priide needs a developer

    Hello everyone, My name is Frank and I have launched a preview website at to show everyone my concept and idea. The website is a temporary blogger site to showcase what I have in mind. I was not able to post in your other forums so I am posting this here and a moderator can move the...
  7. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Social Profiles

    JoyFreak submitted a new resource: [JoyFreak] Social Profiles - Get a little more creative with this visual flair. Read more about this resource...
  8. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Social Profiles

    Live example: Gaming Forum Description This guide will run you through on how to get a little more creative and create a visual flair by displaying a Font Awesome icon on your social profiles. This is an improvement that was released in XF 2.2 and here we will walk through the various social...
  9. JoyFreak

    Unmaintained [JoyFreak] Set Open Graph Image

    Maintained version: Free add-on version This guide will help you to set your forum's open graph image. It will use the first image in your thread, whether linked directly or attached. Open template: thread_view Find: <xf:set var="$fpSnippet" value="{{ snippet($firstPost.message, 0...
  10. A

    XF 2.0 Why Xenforo thread links shows the same og image in all the thread links?

    We are in 2020 and Xenforo dont give us the simple option to choose what image will be in og image on social media. Why is this? In the past i purchased an Add on for this, called: SEO (SEO2) By au lait But now its deleted How...
  11. jazz_aaf

    Unmaintained [Jazzaaf] Tweet Post 1.1

    This addon will add the capability to send threads to Twitter. Members of permitted groups can send the thread to a predefined Twitter account. Features: Permission-Based. Editable Tweet content. Notification if the thread has been tweeted before. Uses the phrases system. Setup...
  12. S

    Unmaintained WBB - Forum Social 1.0.0

    Social media widget tools for your site, use eleven different widget as you wish. Responsive. Vertical and horizontal styles. Eleven different design. Changing widget location. Enable or disable icons. Usergroup permissions. Different social media layouts... More future. Style One Style...
  13. I.G.O.T.A.®

    Add-on Pull the first image in a post for social media sites

    Does anyone know a way to pull the first image of the post when sharing to FB or Social Media Sites? Thanks, JJ Smith
  14. KevRog

    XF 1.5 How to change the image preview for posts on social media

    When we post a thread on Facebook, it provides an image preview not related to the company. We would like to change it to the company logo. How do you go about this?
  15. KevRog

    Not a bug Error when sharing a thread on Facebook

    An error message is showing when we share a thread on Facebook. Any ideas on how this comes about and how we can fix it? Thanks in advance!
  16. H

    Activity Stream vs Forum/Bulletin Board

    I'd like to open up a discussion on the pros and cons of each style of social media content delivery. Activity Streams being the the Facebook & Twitter style news feed. Forum/Bulletin Board being the traditional old school forums with topics, threads and posts. What are the pros and cons of...
  17. jauburn

    Auto-publish to facebook page

    Is there a way (or plugin) to auto-publish a thread in a certain forum to a Facebook page?
  18. System0

    XF 1.5 Some Questions About Social Media Integration

    I'm using the XenCentral Paid Registration system so that new users need to pay a small sign up fee to join my community. It's been the only effective method of tackling spam that I have found. * Please note that these questions are not related to the add-on itself but are in relation to how...
  19. drastic

    XF 1.5 How can I fix posts on social media?

    I shared a thread on Facebook and it came out like this. 1. wrong picture showed up... 2. would LOVE to get rid of the [MEDIA] text from showing I'd like to clean this up and get rid of [MEDIA]. Facebook won't let you edit it either, so anyone sharing this sees the same thing on their end...
  20. StarArmy

    Partner with IFTTT

    I'll keep this short: XenForo should look into the possibility of a partnership with IFTTT to add a XenForo channel, where users can create recipes to perform actions based on what's happening on their XenForo or post on their board based on what's happening elsewhere in their network. Example...
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