
  1. MySiteGuy

    Xenforo Proxy Service

    If you use Cloudflare or another DDOS protection service, that service alone is not enough! Your server's IP address will "leak" if your server sends email directly, users link to outside sites or users paste URLs of external images. The first area, email: To protect your IP address from...
  2. D.C Style

    D.C Style - Link Proxy 1.1.5 Patch Level 3

    Introduce Encrypt external links in the article and create a redirect page for those links. Can customize the link is not affected. Can customize the time of automatic navigation, or turn off auto-navigation. Supported content types XF: Post XF: ProfilePost XFRM:ResourceUpdate XFMG:Album...
  3. Anomandaris

    XF 2.0 Recommended HTTP Proxy for $config['http']['proxy'] ?

    When behind a reverse proxy, these features expose your origin IP to a resourceful attacker: Unfurl URL to a rich preview automatically Convert URLs to page titles Image Proxy For protection I want to setup a proxy to use in combination with this config.php option: $config['http']['proxy']...
  4. Olli2k

    XF 2.0 All Attachments Images disappear

    Hi, jsut finished my Migration from vB4 to XF2 via XF1.5. Everthing was working perfectly, but since friday, most of places where should be an image shows only this symbol: Image proxy is active (standard values). Deactivating image proxy jus results in complete no trace of old images. Is...
  5. Stuart Wright

    XF 1.5 Question about the proxy image function

    We have a huge proportion of Google Analytics reporting 'not set' as the resource being accessed on AVForums (on Xenforo 1). An SEO team have asked how Google Analytics is used with the proxy image function. Can the team shed any light on how GA is implemented with regard to serving images via...
  6. M

    XF 2.0 Proxy Images without Proxy.php

    I'm using Nginx to proxy images without using Proxy.php - but running in to an issue with the URL. $config['proxyUrlFormat'] = '{url}'; The {url} is "urlencoded" which Nginx doesn't like - is there anyway to retrieve the URL not encoded?
  7. TickTackk

    Unmaintained ImageProxy Host 2.0.1

    Image Proxy Host for XenForo 2.0.0 Alpha+ Description This add-on allows you to not proxy external images which are already using HTTPS or set a host for image proxy links. Requirements PHP 5.6.0+ Options Image and link proxy NameDescription Ignore https imagesIf you are using proxy...
  8. Ben0815

    Unmaintained [Ben0815] ImageProxyServer 1.1

    This addon expends the image and link proxy by XenForo. It will proxy all images through a remote server and will therefore hide your server IP address in addition to your users IP addresses. It will do nothing when you don't enable "Proxy images" in your ACP. Installation: upload the content...
  9. Codeless

    Ngnix Proxy Configration error

    Hi on a client demand i was setting up xenforo on proxy servers . here is my setup diagram so if anyone check Who is and dns records its display proxies ip address DNS Records of Example .com but when use open website works fine but when click on any url its...
  10. Kevin

    XF 1.5 Image Proxy and Pinterest

    Has anybody gotten the combination of having the image proxy enabled and trying to 'pin' to Pinterest working together? It's been driving me nuts tonight trying to find a solution. :coffee:
  11. D

    XF 1.4 Having problems with https

    Can be closed :)
  12. Kintaro

    See who connect from many IPs

    is there an add-on (or simply some instructions) to see users who login from many different IPs in a specific range of dates? it can be useful to have it so can alert about who is using Proxys/VPNs to bypass ban.
  13. Finexes

    Gametracker SSL Proxy 2.0

    NOTE: It seems like Gametracker is now finally supporting SSL. Try to change your Gametracker links to https. If everything works fine, you won't need this resource! Introduction If you display Gametracker banners on your ssl secured site, you may get a warning for mixed content as Gametracker...
  14. Cyb3r

    XF 1.5 Images are not showing after removing image proxy

    I was using image proxy when I was on SSL connection, but now I don't need it anymore, when I disable the feature the images show like this: And this is the image link:
  15. Amin Sabet

    Unmaintained Image Proxy in RAM

    Proceed at your own risk! This works for me on my Centos 6.x server. I am not responsible if this doesn't work or somehow damages your forum or server. The purpose of this is to store proxy image data in RAM instead of storing it at the current location of /<domain>/internal_data/image_cache...
  16. Abracadaniel

    XF 1.4 Configure proxy to hide Image Proxy's backend origin IP

    Hey there, I wonder if it's possible to configure some http or socks5 proxy for Image Proxy system? In `/library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Proxy.php` I see this block: class Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Proxy extends Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket { /** * Parameters array * *...
  17. naia

    Add-on Trust+ - Intelligent Security Service

    Hello, I am currently working on developing a security and risk assessment service called Trust+, and I intend to release an add-on for Xenforo which utilizes the service. Trust+ will be launched with the following features; The ability to intelligently detect and block disposable email...
  18. eva2000

    Removing .php extension from proxy.php images ?

    Sort of related to Suggestion: For Xenforo default image proxy url to be customised without the .php extension i.e. /proxy/ instead of /proxy.php similar to Digitalpoint's proxy...
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