
  1. Mouth

    XF 2.1 Rebuilding Post Reactions?

    There doesn't seem to be a function within either cmd.php or /admin.php?tools/rebuild to perform a rebuild on posts, updating xf_post.reaction_score | xf_post.reactions | xf_post.reaction_users How would one achieve this? I can perform a /posts/123456/react?reaction_id=1 which will rebuild...
  2. BassMan

    [cXF] Bookmark Post Bottom 1.0.1

    Description: Add bookmark link to post bottom with some extra options. Features: show phrase only show phrase and icon show icon only hide bookmark link to menu when on mobile view Screens: ... or show bookmark link with icon: ... or only icon: ... show it on mobile: ... or hide...
  3. XDinc

    Unmaintained [XD] Hide User Cell On First Post 1.0.2

    I'll walk you through the steps to hide user cell on the first post with use this add-on. 1. Install Add-on 2. Set Options 3. Check Result,
  4. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Google Adsense tips and visual overview of ad positions

    Below you will find visual templates to help you choose the best location for your ads. You will also find some tips I use to monetize my forum. I would love to start a discussion over here with other forum admins to share your thoughts. Guests vs. Members Ask yourself: Do you really want to...
  5. CMTV

    Lack of interest AbstractCriteria is not abstract

    Hey! Imagine we are creating an addon for removing all posts that match selected criteria. A list of available criteria: Post has at least X likes Post author has an X username Post was edited at least X times Post was edited no more than X times Post was published before X Post was published...
  6. K

    XF 2.0 Bests way to change the author of a post

    Hi, I'm working on an add-on that changes the author of posts posted in specific threads, but there are a couple of things I haven't managed to figure out entirely: Replying to a thread: Currently I'm using a code event listener for post_pre_save to edit replies before they are saved. This...
  7. XFA

    [XFA] Like Or Reply To View Attachment - XF2 1.3.0

    Description Blocks download of attachments until users have liked or replied to the post. Features Hide attachments thumbnail Thumbnail replacement image url Require like in order to view attachment (and/or) Require post reply in order to view attachment Excluded forums Excluded usergroups...
  8. Fastline

    XF 2.0 How to link posts?

    I want to link the posts. I can link the post no. But suppose there's 5 different terms explained in a post named P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5. So i want to create a link that automatically goes to P2 or P4. How to do that?
  9. KevRog

    Not a bug Error when sharing a thread on Facebook

    An error message is showing when we share a thread on Facebook. Any ideas on how this comes about and how we can fix it? Thanks in advance!
  10. TickTackk

    Unmaintained Daily Like Limit 1.0.0

    For XenForo 2.1+: Features Limit the maximum amount of times a user can like daily based on user group permission Feature requests This add-on is a fairly very small and simple add-on for now so I'm open to both feature...
  11. C

    XF 2.0 Wanting to post to Facebook - Thread post

    So, I want to be able to share threads on a Facebook page. When I copy and paste the URL in to a Facebook post on a page, this is what appears This is how I would like it to look.... Is there a guide on how to style a thread to get it to show up on Facebook with an image and post excerpt?
  12. M

    Unmaintained New Post Button in Post

    ACP --> Template --> thread_view and find: <xf:breadcrumb source="$forum.getBreadcrumbs()" /> Replace with the code below: <xf:breadcrumb source="$forum.getBreadcrumbs()" /> <xf:pageaction if="$forum.canCreateThread()"> <xf:button href="{{ link('forums/post-thread', $forum) }}"...
  13. C

    XF 2.0 Styling a "POST"

    Ok, crazy question, but I want to use the forum to post what I consider "articles". I am wondering if there are any 'templates' that would stylize a post. Something I can replicate over and over again to keep all similar posts the same. I have seen BBcode templates, but those are mostly for...
  14. CMTV

    As designed `last_edit_date` column is not updating!

    Hi! If the user is editing his published post without page reloading then last_edit_date column WILL NOT be updated! This happens only for last_edit_date column. Other columns (like edit_count or data in xf_edit_history) are updating correctly. So this will update last_edit_date correclty...
  15. Anhava

    XF 2.0 Script which needs to be convert addon?

    I have script what pulls information from API clients to database and that script contains almost 2000 articles and then takes frequently updated data from database columns to the script pages. It use's many vendors @composer tool. I'm just wondering how should be the easiest way to convert...
  16. wmtech

    [WMTech] Post Guard Pro 1.0.4

    Description Post Guard Pro allows you to block invalid or disallowed content submissions using "Post Guards". If a user attempts to submit a prohibited form of content, it will fail and they will receive an error message that you specify for that post guard. Example uses include: Preventing...
  17. wmtech

    [WMTech] Post Guard (basic) 2.0.0

    Introduction XenForo prevents users from creating posts with no content. However there may be other types of invalid posts that you wish to prevent. Description This add-on allows you to specify invalid posts using regular expressions, or "post guards". If a user attempts to submit a post which...
  18. wmtech

    [WMTech] Post Guard (basic) 1.1.5

    This add-on is now available in a fully-featured and easy-to-use >> Pro version << Introduction XenForo prevents users from creating posts with no content. However there may be other types of invalid posts that you wish to prevent. Description This add-on allows you to specify invalid posts...
  19. AE Dev

    XF 1.5 Thread List Into Forum List . (Space Issue )

    Hello everyone, I Put thread_list_item code in my forum list. (Main Page) . Now i want to fix some issue on thread list. 1. How to remove space on here? - (Screenshot) I hope good answer from you! Thank you. !
  20. warwagon

    Lack of interest Post a Version number under posts based on what has been edited.

    This is something I was thinking about the other night. What I was thinking about was adding version numbers to posts which would vary by how many times the posts get edited. For instances. When someone first makes a post the post would be Version 1.0. The next part could happen 1 of 2 ways...
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