
  1. BassMan

    [cXF] Icons in Visitor menu

    Would you like to have icons in Visitor menu like this? Add this to your extra.less template: If you want an icon with one of the Font Awesome 5 Pro styles - light, solid or duotone - use the above code like this (example): .m-faContent(@fa-var-duotone-sign-in);. As you can see, you add...
  2. BassMan

    [cXF] Icons in sidenav on Account page

    Would you like to have icons in sidenav on Account page like this? Add this to your extra.less template: To change the icon edit value after @fa-var-. Want a Pro icon of a specific style? Want a Brand icon? If you are using route filters edit in the code what you've changed with...
  3. BassMan

    [cXF] Icons on Notable Members page

    Would you like to have icons on Notable members page like this? Add this to your extra.less template: To change the icon edit value after @fa-var-. If you are using route filters edit in the code what you've changed with filters (for example: if you're using route filter for members to...
  4. BassMan

    [cXF] Move thread status icons

    Would you like to have thread status icons on the left side before thread title? Add this to your extra.less template: /* Move thread status icons */ @media (min-width: @xf-responsiveMedium) { [data-template="forum_view"], &[data-template="whats_new"], &[data-template="whats_new_posts"]...
  5. BassMan

    [cXF] Thread prefix icons

    Would you like to customize your prefixes? Here's a simple DIY tutorial as an example. Of course, you can extend it for your own needs as you wish. So, read this tutorial to achieve something like this: 1. Create your custom prefix In admin CP go to Forums > Thread prefixes and click on...
  6. Fastline

    XF 2.0 How to remove attachment icons?

    By default, XF 2 uses a icon for the attachments, in black color. How can i remove that icon for the attachment of .zip files? And is there any way to use custom icons there?
  7. Fastline

    XF 2.0 How to use custom attachment icons?

    Is there any way to use custom attachment icons? I don't like the default style. I'm having the icons.
  8. Oblivion Knight

    Gamepad Icons 1.0

    Ever wanted to spruce up your gaming community by adding PlayStation and Xbox controller buttons to your posts and/or content? Now you can.. :) Demo: It should be noted that I did *not* design these icons, I have adapted them for use with XenForo. I am distributing them under the same...
  9. chaot3ch

    XF 2.0 Using custom icons for node icons

    Hey everyone, was having trouble finding out how to do this yesterday but I figured it out and figured I would post it here in case anyone else was having issues. // Removes the default icon .node--forum .node-icon i:before{display: none;} // Sets the new default unread icon of the forums...
  10. Dermot

    Unmaintained Font Awesome on Menu and Sub Menus

    Add font awesome icons to menu and submenu drop downs. More unicode font awesome codes can be found at Font Awesome Icon List (* Xenforo only Supports Font awesome 4) When you click single icon it will have unicode under the icon shown. You can add colour anytime using the CSS color...
  11. BassMan

    [cXF] Icons for Login and Register buttons

    For XenForo 2.3 add below code to your extra.less template: /* Icons for Login and Register buttons */ .p-navgroup-link.p-navgroup-link--textual.p-navgroup-link--logIn:before, .p-offCanvasRegisterLink [href*="login"]:before { .m-faContent(@fa-var-sign-in); color: #E6BB5C; }...
  12. BassMan

    [cXF] Navigation tab icons 2.2

    Optionally you can edit icons for selected tabs: Icons are added only with Less code. You'll also get a simple guide how to add icons to any of your navigation tab.
  13. BassMan

    [cXF] Advanced Footer 2.4.0

    FEATURES fixed (sticky) footer enable fixed footer so the footer will always stay on top and visible make fixed footer wide to it fits the browser an not only the forum width disable fixed footer on mobile if you wish footer icons add icons to footer links choose any Font Awesome icons...
  14. XFA

    [XFA] Custom Username Icons - XF2 5.0.8

    Description Custom Username Icons brings a new level of customization for you and your users ! This add-on lets your user select one or multiple icons [NEW 5.0.0] icon to be displayed near their username everywhere on your board. Icons can be selected either from a list of Font Awesome icons...
  15. Arty

    SimpleSVG - replacement for glyph fonts, offering more than 20,000 icons

    XenForo 2 default style uses FontAwesome. You can select custom icon for node, which is cool, but you are limited to small set of FontAwesome icons. FontAwesome is... awesome, but as any other glyph font, it has downsides that limit users to only small set of icons: Clients need to load entire...
  16. MoFurq

    XF 1.5 UIX Dark Missing icons

    I just purchased and installed UIX-Dark and have missing icons. This is across all pages of my forums. http://www.melonmc.net/community The theme is currently set a child of the UIX theme. Any help would be appreciated :)
  17. BassMan

    [cXF] Random Modifications

    BassMan submitted a new resource: [cXF] Random Modifications - Add some icons and other tweaks. Read more about this resource...
  18. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Random Modifications 1.1.0

    Description: This add-on/template modifications makes a few tweaks when it's enabled. There are no options, you can manually change some templates or ask for support. You can also view all features form this add-on on our site customizeXF. Requirements: Font Awesome is required for this...
  19. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Sidebar Extension for XenForo Media Gallery 1.0.0

    Description: This add-on will enhance your default XenForo Media Gallery sidebar. * if you will use Font Awesome icons, it is recommended to install this add-on: https://www.customizexf.com/resources/cxf-font-awesome-switch.3/, unless you already have them installed by a third party style or...
  20. dougiemac

    Add-on US State Flags

    Since my forum relies heavily on knowing which state a member is located, I am looking for an Add-On that will replace "Location" for a validated zip code. If that can't be easily done, a dropdown selecting State. Then based on that zip code, a US State flag icon would be visible on the members...
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