[TRN] Clean and Simple Thread Lists

Unmaintained [TRN] Clean and Simple Thread Lists 2.8.0

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This add-on is compatible with Add-on Install & Upgrade

How do I install this add-on manually?

Download the add-on and unzip it. You should upload everything that you find inside the folder named upload into the root directory of your XenForo installation. This shouldn’t overwrite any existing files.
From your control panel, go to the "install add-on" page. The add-on has provided an XML file within it. Upload that file here and submit the form.

Some elements, like the avatar column or the stats block can not be seen on mobile devices. What is going on?

For better support smaller-screen devices such as mobile phones and tablets, this add-on uses a responsive design. Some elements are only shown when there is considered to be enough width. This occurs if You have set Your site to be using responsive design. If You go into the Admin Control Panel and have a look at the template: fgx_cstl.css you can see something similar to this at the end:

<xen:if is="@enableResponsive">
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
    .Responsive .discussionListItem .maincolstats
        display: none;

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveMediumWidth)
    .Responsive .discussionListItem .posterAvatar,
    .Responsive .discussionListItem .explainAction
        display: none;

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth)
    .Responsive .discussionListItem .itemPageNav
        display: none;

As You might see above, the poster avatar disappears if the viewing screenwidth is smaller than what You have set up in maxResponsiveMediumWidth. (See Style Properties for Responsive Design in ACP). If You are not happy with the default configuration You may override all these settings in EXTRA.css. XenForo is also hiding some elements in responsive design (defined in discussion_list.css)

How do I upgrade this add-on manually?

Upgrading an add-on is similar to installing a new add-on. However, you must use the upgrade option for the add-on you are upgrading. You cannot upgrade an add-on from the "install add-on" page.

Download the new version of the add-on and unzip it.
Upload the add-ons files into your XenForo installation. This will overwrite some files.
From your control panel, go to "list add-ons". Find the add-on you are upgrading, expand the "controls" menu and select "upgrade". Upload the XML file that is provided with the add-on and submit the form.
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