Trending Content [Unsupported]

Trending Content [Unsupported] 3.0.0 Beta 5

No permission to buy (£20.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 4 reviews

Been using this on one of my websites for a while now and the members love it. I think I'm a bit sidebar heavy at the moment, this could stand out better (my bad not the plugins) and yet it still gets used more than 'similar threads' and other similar sidebar-able add-ons.

Once I've complete the porting of all my forums from VB to XF, and have ensured no old URL's are in search engine indexes, I'll have only the Trending Topics in the sidebar, and I'm sure it's one of those add-ons that'd be heavily missed by members if I ever removed it!

Yet the 'related threads' etc sure wont.

Well done Stuart and Daniel. :) Keep up the good work.
Just installed this addon today and already getting great feedback from my member base. Easy to install and setup. I am using it as a sidebar on my site. Thanks for creating. I have been looking for an addon like this for a while.
Stuart Wright
Stuart Wright
Glad you're happy with the add-on and your community is enjoying it. Thank you for the review.
Loving this add-on so far. Using the widget in sidebar to help reduce bounce rate for search traffic. The fact that this add-on can show top threads based on replies *per minute* and not simply number of replies, is key.
Stuart Wright
Stuart Wright
Thank you for the review. I'm glad you are enjoying the addon. Feel free to post any suggestions on how to improve it.
Daniel has thought of some great options here. Being able to add a widget into threads with the current forum and child forums as the source for the threads means there is more interesting stuff to show visitors when they hit your site in a thread from a search engine.
Good job on this.
Stuart Wright
Stuart Wright
Glad you're happy with the end result :)
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