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Daniel Hood

Well-known member
Daniel Hood submitted a new resource:

Trending Topics - This Addon shows your visitors the trending topics on your site.

Trending Topics Page
Trending topics allows you have a page dedicated to your most active threads based on one of the following algorithms:
  • Replies Per Minute since the thread was created.
  • Views Per Minute since the thread was created.
  • Replies+Views Per Minute since the thread was created.
  • We will add more algorithms as time goes on as we think of more ways to do this.
There is a Trending Topics option group which has controls for filtering the threads that...

Read more about this resource...
How query-heavy is this?

It looks like it'd be very useful for us but slightly concerned that it'd use a lot of resources...
I don't know how your stats compares to avforums but they're running it without issue (and have been since yesterday).

The queries should be running against indexed fields So there shouldn't be any issues. If you're missing an index it's possible that the query would be really slow. But these fields are indexed by default so I feel it's a safe assumption that you'll be fine :)
Few suggestions:
1. Be able to show last poster/OP avatar on the list. It gives the entire list a better look (it's already up and running in a different add-on that gives the ability to present last commented threads)
2. Give more control to admins on what would appear as details in the widget. For example, I wouldn't like to show how many views/posts are in the thread in the widest list and prefer to save this space to present more trending threads.
3. Be able to remove thread prefix in the list (again. to save space since it's not necessary detail when it's presented in the list itself)
Until I add the features to give you control to change the content showing in the widget, you can edit the template. Just search for "trendingtopics_widget" as the template name. You can include any {$thread.____} variable from the thread_view or thread_list_item templates. Can also remove the bits you want removed.
Until I add the features to give you control to change the content showing in the widget, you can edit the template. Just search for "trendingtopics_widget" as the template name. You can include any {$thread.____} variable from the thread_view or thread_list_item templates. Can also remove the bits you want removed.
Thanks. It also looks like it's impossible to cache the widget? (other widgets have Cache TTL option).
Thanks. It also looks like it's impossible to cache the widget? (other widgets have Cache TTL option).
I turned caching off because I don't want a staff member (for example) being the one to cause the cache to get built and then a guest view it and see private threads.
How do you get it to show a tab for "Trending Topics" next to Watched Threads, New Posts etc.on the nabber instead of the widget?
That's not an option at the moment but you can achieve it by editing the nav_tabs template.

I'll probably add that for version 1.1 along with an alternate widget template.
Hi, Daniel!

We don't have this on KH-Flare, but I've seen it in action on TAZ and hope it's still okay to provide suggestions based on that.

I personally feel that instead of Posted By Daniel Hood In Add-on Releases, it would look better as Posted by Daniel Hood in Add-on Releases. If there were a colon after "by," then I'd feel differently for that part, but there isn't.

I know, I know. Grammar Amaury has appeared! Please don't hate me. LOL
Would fit better on /find-new/trending
Trending threads won't actually always be new though. Especially as more algorithms are added to compensate for old threads getting more activity.

But you can choose in which forums to collect the trending topics (?)

Still possibly an issue due to members you ignore making a thread that starts trending or if a thread is removed from public view (soft deleted).

I'll consider adding an option to enable caching (but disabled by default).
Daniel Hood updated Trending Topics with a new update entry:

Widget Templates

What's New:
  • "Posted By" and "In" for the widget are now phrases.
  • Widgets can select a template to display with:
    • Now you can create a template for each widget specifically and set that widget to display with it. This allows you to have specific information based on your preference and also allows for you to have full-width widgets (above the node list for example).
    • By default there are two templates that work for it: "avf_trendingtopics_widget" and...

Read the rest of this update entry...

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