
Tickets 1.6.10

No permission to buy ($60.00)
How can I display whether or not a user has JavaScript enabled?
  1. Head to the Admin Control Panel -> Ticket Fields -> Create New Ticket Field
  2. Set the Field ID, Title, Description (optional) and under the General Options tab, choose applicable categories where this field should be displayed.
  3. Set the Field Type to PHP Callback and set the Class field to NixFifty_Tickets_CustomField_DeviceInfo and the Method field to getJavaScriptStatus.
  4. Save and you're done.
How can I display what operating system and browser the user is using?
  1. Head to the Admin Control Panel -> Ticket Fields -> Create New Ticket Field
  2. Set the Field ID, Title, Description (optional) and under the General Options tab, choose applicable categories where this field should be displayed.
  3. Set the Field Type to PHP Callback and set the Class field to NixFifty_Tickets_CustomField_DeviceInfo and the Method field to getDeviceInfo.
  4. Save and you're done.
How can I display what operating system the user is using?
  1. Head to the Admin Control Panel -> Ticket Fields -> Create New Ticket Field
  2. Set the Field ID, Title, Description (optional) and under the General Options tab, choose applicable categories where this field should be displayed.
  3. Set the Field Type to PHP Callback and set the Class field to NixFifty_Tickets_CustomField_DeviceInfo and the Method field to getOperatingSystem.
  4. Save and you're done.
How can I display what browser the user is using?
  1. Head to the Admin Control Panel -> Ticket Fields -> Create New Ticket Field
  2. Set the Field ID, Title, Description (optional) and under the General Options tab, choose applicable categories where this field should be displayed.
  3. Set the Field Type to PHP Callback and set the Class field to NixFifty_Tickets_CustomField_DeviceInfo and the Method field to getBrowser.
  4. Save and you're done.
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