[TAC] Auth Captcha

[TAC] Auth Captcha 1.0.3

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Reviews 4.83 star(s) 6 reviews

Thanks. Can you make one for twitter and google sign in too?
That's not my plugin, and it's not core functionality. You can ask the owner of that plugin to include this (I'm fine with the functionality of this plugin to be copied)
Great feature for Facebook registration
Awesome! Thanks!
A great additional security step if your community allows social registrations. Considering the amount of malware that is able to create social media accounts and propagate, this is a necessary security step that should be implemented into the core of Xenforo.
FIVE STARS! This is an absolute necessity for anybody using Facebook integration. I think judging an add-on as five 'Excellent' should be based on whether or not it should be a default XenForo feature, which this definitely should.
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