[TAC] Auth Captcha

[TAC] Auth Captcha 1.0.3

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Well-known member
This is included in Both
i) Free (Branded) Tac Anti Spam Collection
ii) Paid (unbranded) Tac Anti Spam Collection

tenants submitted a new resource:

FaceBookRegCaptcha (version 1.0.0) - Stop Bots Registering Via FaceBook/Google/Twitter

If you've noticed a sudden trend of bots registering via FaceBook/Google/Twitter, then like me you might want to stop it quickly.

The FaceBook/Google/Twitter registration page is often neglected by many spam prevention techniques, making it an easy target for bots

This free plug-in simply adds your current CAPTCHA mechanism to the FaceBook Registration page

It's currently not recommend that you use reCaptcha (this is currently easily solved by bots),
If you use CAPTCHA QA's, make sure they are good ones (that can't...

Read more about this resource...
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If you've noticed a sudden trend of bots registering via FaceBook, then like me you might want to stop it quickly.

^^^WTF? Who has this happened to?
Installed and tried to register with another Facebook account. The captcha showed up. This addon works great. Thanks!

Can you do a version for Twitter and Google sign in?
Installed and tried to register with another Facebook account. The captcha showed up. This addon works great. Thanks!

Can you do a version for Twitter and Google sign in?

Not that easily, they're non core templates and files... I'm happy for the plugin designer of the Google/Twiter Auth to incorporate this as an option (it's a simple change to do). Ask the plug-in designer of the Google/Twitter Auth and tell them that it's fine by me to use what they need from this plug-in

But to be honest, if it's not core functionality, then it's far less likely to be targeted... for now
Damn! Okay installing it then.
Got my first one that I noticed in the log today.
Registration Blocked via FaceBook: Via actionFacebook() User blocked from registering,country on black list: UA
Saturday at 11:29 PM
IP Address:
Proxy Details: No Proxy Detected
The install: library/CustomImgCaptcha/addon-FaceBookRegCaptcha.xml
Doesn't work I get an Error: Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read.

OK, I do have a folder called CustomImgCaptcha at
I have /TAC/CustomImgCaptcha
BUT the addon-FaceBookRegCaptcha.xml is not in that folder.

Do I need to upload the FacebookRegCaptcha into the TAC folder then?
The instructions do not mention anything about this.
Using 1.2
Thank you,
The install: library/CustomImgCaptcha/addon-FaceBookRegCaptcha.xml
Doesn't work I get an Error: Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read.

Sorry, the install path should be

Thank you for the reply, I think I got it worked out last night!!
At least things seemed to work when I tested them!

I installed it into:

and it does seem to work, should I love it into the TAC folder then?

I assume TAC FaceBookRegCaptcha 1.0.0 should be disabled/uninstalled when installing (upgrading to) this?
Yep, uninstall FaceBookRegCaptcha completely (you can then remove it)
@tenants, do you mean to physically remove the directories associated with it also or just remove from the ACP. "Completely" tends to indicate to me that it's the directory structures also that need to be removed.
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