Report Improvements by Xon

Unmaintained Report Improvements by Xon 1.11.0

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 9 reviews

This works perfect and finally we're be able to have reports in the report center and also in the forum. Another awesome AddOn by Xon!
Works excellent along with Warning Improvements and Alert Improvements. Very happy with less interaction required from our staff team.
I knew this addon was going to be handy when I installed it, but I could never have anticipated how much work this addon really saves my staff. its a real life saver. There are so many tedious functions which now happen automatically. I am able to run my big board with less staff because of this.

Quality all-round! Thanks Xon!
Very useful for a large board. Allows us to keep better track of the reports so that we don't lose track of them.
This is literally a must-have add-on for any forum of considerable size. The most important feature this add-on contains is the fact that warnings and reports are synced with each other.
Great addition to the report system which is very bare-bone in its core. Helps keeping better overview. Much recommended.
This is an excellent addon, especially the functionality to link warnings to reports. Xon is an amazing developer, as he worked with me to create a workaround for a bug caused by another plugin for which he did not program. Highly recommended!
Giving this one highest marks. I'm thrilled that Xon decided to release this formerly private add-on. If you have a moderate or large sized board, these report improvements will add grease to the wheels of your staff operations. Report comments no longer exist in a vacuum due to mod tagging and alerts, and the tie-in with warnings is a huge time saver. Thanks Xon!!!
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