Fix adding a new report queue did not trigger permissions rebuild
Add "Container owner state" to report queue rules for detecting if the reporter/reported is the owner of a thread (or profile for profile posts/comments)
Change "All user groups"/"None" option to "Disabled" for reporter/reported user criteria to better represent how matching actually works.
Fix " Macro public:svReportImprov_report_macros :: resolve_report() error: Macro argument report is required and no value was provided" on deleting threads
Fix resolving reports on thread move/delete was offers to moderators would could not resolve reports
Fix only a single thread of reports could be resolved at a time via move/delete
Remove redundant query on checking for watched report state
Remove redundant query on rendering reported user's banners
Rework various 'resolve report on moderator actions' to be more standardized and consistent UI wise
Implement per-report queue permissions rather than simple group membership can-view checks
Convert old "view report stats' permission into 'view all report stats' permission
Add 'view report stats' permission that is per-queue
Fix information disclosure leak via old XF1.x user report's previous reported content history feature to users who can access the report queue but not the admin-cp.
This is done via redact XF1.x style report information for user reports to match XF2.x structure
Fix report stats pre-set date ranges not working as expected
When rendering report queue stats, push the current domain into history not the canonical domain as otherwise this can trigger poorly reported JS errors