should install this upgrade for improved efficiency and functionality. Previously, template variables had to be specified for plugin nodes using PHP-serialized arrays. For example...
- a:1:{s:4:"room";i:1;}
- a:2:{s:6:"result";s:10:"successful";s:5:"color";s:5:"green";}
Well, that format is cumbersome for humans to write from scratch. So template variables now use JSON! Now those same examples look like...
- {"room":1}
- {"result":"successful", "color":"green"}
This should make template variables much easier to use. If you already are using template variables for plugin nodes on your forum, they will automatically be converted to JSON when you do the upgrade, so you should not need to do it manually.
I updated the pictures in the add-on overview to modernize the examples that were there before. Let me know if you have questions or issues!