Member Activity

Unmaintained Member Activity 1.1.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Member Activity:

This addon provide feature of a user to monitor other user's activity base upon user's group permission

It contains 4 block that is
  • Block of member who have visited your site in last x days
  • Block of member who have posted your site in last x days
  • Block of member on thread view page who is reading thread
  • Block of member on thread view page who have read this thread
All above block are working on usergroup's permission

Usergroup permission: admincp->user->user group permissions
Set Days: admincp->options->[XB] -Member Activities
  • screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-09-12.webp
    screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-09-12.webp
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  • screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-08-20.webp
    screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-08-20.webp
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  • screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-07-13.webp
    screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-07-13.webp
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  • screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-06-16.webp
    screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-06-16.webp
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  • screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-04-33.webp
    screenshot-localhost 2017-04-23 23-04-33.webp
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Reactions: imno007 and Jarod
fahad ashraf
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Member Activity 1.1.1

    Bug fixed : Unknown column 'xf_session_activity.xbforum_id' bug fixed
  2. Member Activity 1.1

    Fixed issue: Fixed phrase related issue on thread view page New Feature: Forum viewing user...
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