Make post sharing more obvious

Make post sharing more obvious

Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
  4. 1.3
  5. 1.4
  6. 1.5
This resource is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.

This is a very small change but one which may see your posts being shared more widely.

In order to use this, you muse have AddThis enabled in the ACP -> Options -> Statistics and Metrics


In the default style, it's not immediately obvious that clicking on...
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Latest reviews

Outstanding! These little tweaks are just what people are looking for, just takes a little bit of searching to find your needs.
I use the CSS version, and it works fine! A must-have. I was editing the template to add the word "Share" next to the post number. This is much cleaner.
Looks great on my forum!
Simple, subtle and a nice standout of an existing feature. Nice work Brogan.
Another Social Media option to make xenforo more sociable. well done, Great!
Great way to bring attention to an often overlooked feature. I used the FA f1e0 UntiCode.
simple but effective
Great work, Bogran :)
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