Lazy Load [img]

Lazy Load [img] 2.7.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
Additional requirements
php 7.2+
Standard Library v1.20.0+ by Xon
Require Client Browsers to be at least IE9, Firefox or Chrome.
MIT Licence
Visible branding
Provides lazy loaded image support via the Lazysizes

A zero query method for per user-group lazy loading of the [img] and [attach] tags in threads and conversations.

Uses a noscript tag around the original img tag.

Option to force lazy loading of contents in a spoiler tag.


Adds the permission:
  • Enable Lazy Load Images
For "Forum Permissions" and "Conversation Permissions" sections.


  • Enable Outside threads/Conversations
    • permits the lazy loading bbcode injection to run outside of those contexts. Inside those context it will still respect permissions.
  • Force lazy loaded spoiler'ed images
    • Ignores permissions, and lazy loads images in spoilers
  • Lazy load icons
    • Lazy load user avatars, resource icons, and threadmark icons.
      This uses browser native lazy loading.
  • Use native lazy loading
    • Requires a modern browser, otherwise falls back to js library code
  • Inject blank SVG for attachment

Unveil effects
Add styling to your theme for the classes: lazyload, lazyloading, lazyloaded. This can be done by the provided style classes

Fade in
Fade image in after load.

In; Lazy loading and Lazy loading in progress
opacity: 0;
In Lazy loading finished add;
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 300ms;

Fade image in while loading and show a spinner as background image (good for progressive images)

In; Lazy loading;
opacity: 0;
In Lazy loading in progress;
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 300ms;
background: #f7f7f7 url(loader.gif) no-repeat center;

A "loader.gif" image is not provided by this add-on!


Lazysizes is MIT Licensed, as of 2020-06-07.
Original source is

Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a Github Pull request via the "More Information" link.


If you appreciate this addon, please consider a contribution via PayPal. Details will be provide via private conversation.

Please contact me if you wish for different licensing arrangements.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 13 ratings

More resources from Xon

Latest updates

  1. 2.7.1 - Bugfix update

    Fix javascript error when quoting a post via the 'reply' button with XF2.2
  2. 2.7.0 - XenForo 2.3 support

    Require StandardLib v1.20.0+ XF2.3 support
  3. 2.6.0 - Maintainance update

    Require php 7.2+ Require StandardLib 1.18.0+ Require XenForo 2.2+ Confirm initial XF2.3...

Latest reviews

I don't know how I've missed this, it certainly works well straight out of the box, set permissions for Registered users and Unregistered/unconfirmed and it benefits all visitors
Who doesn't love a free addon that helps speeding up your site! This is awesome and made my site noticeable faster even if it doesn't have a ton of images.
This is incredible. Gone are the long page load times when there are a heap of images. Great work mate, really impressive!
Lazyload is great in combination with proxy images, even if the posts have a lot of images they load fine. Xon support is top :)
Super addon! Our pages load noticeably faster. Also
your support, if errors occur, and the speed with which an update is ready, is great. Keep it up!
Xon does it again! Creating an addon that should be core in XF. And it's free! Support Xon's efforts by using this and writing a review!
Great AddOn. The Lazyloader is one of the basic addons that should be installed on every XenForor2-forum.
Thank you for this excellent, essential addon and for keeping it free (it would be worth a license though). Xon is one of the most trustworthy XF developers, all his addons can be installed blindly, as everyone knows: it will work and it is safe.
Excellent addon! Thank you very much for you work, because it works perfectly and I think is very useful for save data download and improve seo :)
Works exactly as you expect it to, painless install. Just update usergroup permissions to allow lazy loading and you're done. Helped out with pagespeed scores, especially useful on mobile
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