Inbox alert Icon

Unmaintained Inbox alert Icon v1

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Summary: This alteration will changed the default standard alerts on the inbox and display an envelope icon although I encourage to use a better image than the one I provided. Standard alerts are untouched and will display the balloon.
notes: If you have a custom navigation you may need to re-position the Icon as this was tested on a default installation.

Install: Simply upload the Icon to your /icons folder and paste the following in your EXTRA.CSS template.

.navTabs .inbox .itemCount {
    background: url("@imagePath/xenforo/icons/alert_inbox.png") no-repeat scroll center transparent;
    line-height: 13px;
    box-shadow: none;
    height: 22px;
    min-width: 25px;
    color: #4c4c4c;
    top: -13px;}
.navTabs .inbox .itemCount .arrow { border-width: 0; }

Latest reviews

how about a add-on for the alert tab just like this cool one.
Love it :) Thank you for sharing this with us.
Its the little things that add up. Keep up the good work Shelley and thanks for doing all that you do. :)
I like it!
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