Font Awesome Manager

Font Awesome Manager 1.2.7

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Reviews 4.86 star(s) 29 reviews

Really awesome resource that instantly helps improve page loading speed and is really quite stable. Highly recommended!
top asset here for page speed and reducing OEM bloat. must-have addon for anyone who cares about their site's seo and web vitals
This is an outstanding add-on, essential on any XF installation. To be honest, I can't stop running my sites through GTMetrix, Webpagetest, and PageSpeed. Thanks, Kirby!
This is an incredible and must-have add on for any Xenforo forum, new or not--to top it off, it's free!
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 1.2.0 RC 2
One of the best add-ons and the best one that is indispensable. And then for free! Thank you Kirby. :)
Great addon that reduces loading times and thus improve your Google PageSpeed scores. If you use a lot of custom icons it may be a bit more work to get all the icons to show correctly but it is certainly worth your troubles.
Certainly a must have addon for XF 2.x, makes a lot of difference for FontAwesome fonts size and thus help website speed boost. and it's FREE!
This is a must have for any XenForo community to reduce the page load size of the first visit. It's kind of amazing how Kirby automated the whole process which required a lot of manual work in previous versions of XenForo.
I been using in beta, one of the best addons to make google pagespeed(FCP) happy, even with ads :D

Thanks Kirby!
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