Font Awesome Manager

Font Awesome Manager 1.2.7

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Reviews 4.86 star(s) 29 reviews

Great add-on to optimize your page loading and efficiency. Took a few test runs to get it working but overall, great.
This has significantly decreased page loading times and other metrics that are extremely important for the success of a website to attract and keep visitors. It looks like it was written with care and I have had no issues with it since the install. This is one of those addons that is fairly essential if you are concerned about your PageSpeed score. This should really even be part of XenForo. I thank the developer and give him kudos to providing it for free at this time.
i was getting only a medium score on google speed checker and then i installed this addon and my score bumped up to a green score. very nice, would recommend.
One of the most useful addons for Xenforo and completely free of charge. The author is very knowledgeable, serious and helpful. A must have!
Awesome add-on!
It incredibly drops the page load and Google Page Speed TTI value, while amazingly rising the Performance score by at least 40 points!

A must-have add-on that should be there as a XF core feature!

Thanks for your work, Kirby!
This is a MUST HAVE addon. Shows dramatic improvements to site performance. Amazing dev who helped me out via DM. A few steps need to be taken (but they have been documented really well), but it is well worth it. Thank you Kirby!
One of my favorite plugins! It improves front-end performance scores and reduced my site's bandwidth usage by 15GB/day. Configuration is easy, couldn't ask for more. Thank you, Kirby. 🏆
This plugin is awesome...
Global reduction of 80%, from 563kb to less than 60, really amazing!

Also, Kirby helped me in DM to optimize and fit to my needs...
Fantastic! I've been cursing the performance challenges of Xenforo (just migrated from phpBB) when my rankings and traffic started to drop due to Google's Pagespeed numbers. I'd tried numerous things, but this is by far the BEST bump back up. Thank you!
Thanks for this great free addon, Google score was 64 before and now it's 97 !! It works like a charm !
Absolutely amazing addon! Quickly checking some pages the average loaded fonts were before this addon 585kB.. After installing it loads roughly 50kB, a reduction of ~92% in size.. This should be installed all XF forums :)
Thanks @Kirby !

This tool is one of the best enhancements for XF 2.x anywhere.
This gives XF a turbo, even with mobile sites: D
Easy to install, very good FAQ in case of problems and really free of charge.
One of the single greatest addons you can add to your XF2 site right now. Thats about all I have to say.
Thank you so much @kirby for this critical and wonderful addon! IMHO this functionality should be core and is essential for any administrator that takes speed and optimization serious. A very valuable addon which works like a charm.
Wonderful addon. Thank you for inviting me to the beta. This has been a huge performance boost to the forum.
This is a great resource, just did a GT metrix test and score went up significantly. I had previously decided not to install any more addons, but this one just seems indispensable!
A no-brainer for some easy and important speed optimization. The add-on works out of the box with no configuration needed. Saved me about 250kb of CSS and probably even more in unneeded font files. Great work!
I'm using this since a couple of month and it's just excellent. Page speed improved a lot, so highly recommended for everyone!
Incredible! Makes a big difference in our Google Page Speed! Thanks @kirby & @MattW for the awesome help with this! (if only Ad Networks, especially Google, could be as efficient)
Really awesome resource that instantly helps improve page loading speed and is really quite stable. Highly recommended!
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