[DBTech] DragonByte Credits

[DBTech] DragonByte Credits 6.0.0

No permission to buy ($14.95)
Update highlights


This version fixes an issue where formatted currency values displayed across the site would display 1 instead of the real currency value. No data was lost, it was a display bug only.

This version is flagged as a Beta version as it has not been tested on a live site.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix formatted currency values always returning 1
Update highlights


This version contains coding style updates and changes for XenForo 2.2.0 / PHP 7.2.0.

The main change that will become apparent to users is improved link back to a transaction's source content. Rather than simply "Post #100" etc, XenForo 2.2's "content link" system is used to provide rich information such as titles.

Furthermore, a few bugs and usability issues have been corrected.

This version is flagged as a Beta version as it has not been tested on a live site.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Implement content type link for Currency
Feature: Implement better content type linking for transactions
Change: Rename negative handling phrase to better reflect its functionality
Change: Update internal functions to follow new XenForo 2.1 / 2.2 coding standards
Fix: Fix missing space between navbar icon and the text
Fix: Fix permissions sometimes not rebuilding when upgrading
Fix: Don't award credits when a XFMG media item is added if it isn't visible
Fix: Don't award credits when an XFMG comment is posted if it isn't visible
Fix: Don't award credits when an attachment is uploaded if the post isn't visible
Update highlights

This version builds on the work done in the previous version by extending support for [CHARGE] BBCode to the following areas:
  • XFRM Resource Descriptions
  • XFRM Resource Updates
  • XFMG Albums
  • XFMG Comments
  • XFMG Media Items
Furthermore, a few issues reported by the community have been resolved.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Add CHARGE BBCode support for XFRM Resource Descriptions, XFRM Resource Updates, XFMG Albums, XFMG Comments, and XFMG Media Items
Change: Posts with CHARGE tags that have a cost of 0 will now be rendered normally
Fix: Fix an issue with deleting transactions after a currency has been deleted
Update highlights

This version fixes a bug with the XFMG, that only affected users whose media items required moderator approval.

Complete Change Log

Fix: If XFMG media required approval, credits would be awarded twice
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Update highlights

This version implements a workaround for ThemeHouse's UI.X themes that use Material icons rather than FontAwesome icons.

Furthermore, it fixes a few issues reported by the community.

Complete Change Log

Change: Changed the display style of currency values for Ajust and Donate alert / push phrases
Fix: Support ThemeHouse UI.X themes when the navbar is configured to appear on the right hand side of the navbar
Fix: The currency overlay would not display correctly for mobile users if enough actionable events were enabled
Fix: Fixed an issue with the XFMG Media Create event when certain other add-ons are installed
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Update highlights

This version makes internal improvements to the [CHARGE] BBCode parser in order to prepare it for upcoming functionality where it can be used to charge for other content types other than posts.

This version also resolves a few other edge case issues reported by the community.

Complete Change Log

Change: Make the Charge BBCode parser a bit more dynamic to prepare for other content types
Fix: If the event or currency pertaining to a particular transaction has been deleted, don't try to check permissions
Fix: Fix issue with the Credits payment profile
Update highlights

This version introduces a few major features.

Where possible, a transaction will link back to the content it originated from. For thread / post events, no titles are displayed as that could potentially cause privacy issues, but clicking on the link will do all the normal permission checks.

The "Maximum applications" event limitation can now be applied per-user rather than globally. This resolves an issue where certain events make more sense to limit per-user and certain events globally.

A few reported bugs were also resolved, the most important of which being a case where the Payment event could fail. To resolve this, old Payment alerts have been removed (even if they were unread), as the data stored alongside these alerts has changed.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Link back to the content related to a transaction
Feature: The "Maximum applications" event limitation can now be applied per-user rather than globally
Change: Reworked the installer to make it more manageable going forward
Change: Points columns are now stored with a hard cap of 8 decimals
Change: When Smart Negation is enabled, Negation events will not occur if a matching Apply event is not found
Change: Remove prefix and suffix from currency alert template
Fix: Certain broken threads could produce a server error on rebuild
Fix: XF Media Gallery Comment class extension would eat comments
Fix: Paying with credits could cause a server error in certain circumstances
Fix: Alert opt out phrase for the Payment event was missing
Fix: If no previous transaction existed, ensure we set a sensible default when negating a transaction
Fix: Do not block charged events the user cannot afford if the currency allows negative amounts
Fix: Broken "Payment" event alerts have been deleted
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
Update highlights

This version adds one of the most frequently requested features: The ability to add DragonByte Credits as a payment profile!

You can apply this payment profile to things like user upgrades, DragonByte eCommerce products, and more! This feature will work with any 1st party or 3rd party system that uses XenForo's built-in payment profile system to handle payments.

When configuring the payment profile, you will have the option to pick which Credits currency is applied, and also the "Exchange rate". This helps translate your Credits currency to real-world currency. For instance, if you plan to apply this profile to a User Upgrade that costs $4.99, and set the exchange rate to 100, users will need 499 points to buy this upgrade.

This minor update fixes a couple reported bugs discovered since Beta 1.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix an issue where negating a skipped event would incorrectly apply - the negation should also be skipped
Fix: Fix an issue where the "Frequency" setting would not work as intended
Update highlights

This version adds one of the most frequently requested features: The ability to add DragonByte Credits as a payment profile!

You can apply this payment profile to things like user upgrades, DragonByte eCommerce products, and more! This feature will work with any 1st party or 3rd party system that uses XenForo's built-in payment profile system to handle payments.

When configuring the payment profile, you will have the option to pick which Credits currency is applied, and also the "Exchange rate". This helps translate your Credits currency to real-world currency. For instance, if you plan to apply this profile to a User Upgrade that costs $4.99, and set the exchange rate to 100, users will need 499 points to buy this upgrade.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Credits as a Payment Profile
Update highlights

This version fixes a few minor issues discovered in the previous version, based on reports from our community.

Complete Change Log

Fix: The Purchase event description now supports BBCode as intended
Fix: Ensure certain actions can only occur via submitting a form
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