[DBTech] DragonByte Credits

[DBTech] DragonByte Credits 6.0.0

No permission to buy ($14.95)

Update highlights​

This version is now considered stable. All known issues have been resolved.

Complete Change Log​

Fix: Fix "Include guest event triggers" flags for various event triggers
Fix: Fix "XFRM Resource Upload" event handler
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Update highlights​

!!!This version requires PHP 8.0+!!!

This version mainly introduces compatibility with XenForo 2.3. The add-on has been fully updated, meaning no compatibility layers such as loading jQuery or other such patches are required for this add-on.

Furthermore, a few reported bugs since the release of v5.9.0 for XenForo 2.2 have also been resolved.

Complete Change Log​

Change: Reduced query count due to new XenForo 2.3 functionality
Change: Update entity references to use class-string
Change: Updated macros to XF 2.3 format
Change: Convert JS to Vanilla JS
Change: Replace various references with class-string<T> equivalents
Change: Update code for PHP 8.0
Change: Add compatibility with new XenForo 2.3 Beta 6 feature
Change: Remove "XenForo" from copyright footer
Change: Necessary changes for the new XenForo 2.3 coding style
Change: Automatically clean up files on upgrade
Fix: Fixed template modifications
Fix: Fix various missing FontAwesome icons
Fix: Fix inconsistent confirmUrl behaviour with deletion
Fix: Fix server error when deleting a whole resource
Fix: Fix server error when rebuilding currencies
Update highlights

!!!This version requires PHP 7.4+!!!

This version adds the ability to pay to unlock threads, as opposed to only being able to unlock the contents of a post. A separate page has been added to see all unlocked content a user has purchased.

You can now also configure the credits for any given event to expire after a certain period of time.

The payment profile template has been updated to match the latest XenForo standards.

This version also refactors some backend code and fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 8.4.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Pay to unlock threads
Feature: Page to see unlocked content
Feature: Expiring credits
Feature: Add support for cookie consent for payment profiles
Feature: Add warning when deleting events that have been used in transactions
Change: Refactored backend code
Change: Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.2
Change: Standardise payment profile display in the front-end to match XF's Account Upgrades
Change: Payment profile selection in the AdminCP now uses checkboxes
Fix: Fix potential server errors like "Attempt to read property 'node_id' on null"
Fix: Fix compatibility issue with XenForo 2.2.11 and older
Fix: Fix PHP 8.4 compatibility issue
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Reactions: jb9826
Update highlights

This version fixes an issue where during certain background tasks, a server error could appear and the task would be stuck.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix server error with certain background tasks
Update highlights

This version fixes a server error that would be displayed when creating a new Purchase event.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix server error when creating a new Purchase event
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Reactions: aleo and welington
Update highlights

This version fixes an issue with rounding errors occurring when your currencies use multiple decimals, as well as an issue with certain events not correctly checking historical records for the Frequency setting.

Furthermore, internal changes have been made to help avoid issues with currency limits applying when they shouldn't, such as the AdminCP "Adjust" event when editing a user's currencies.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix rounding errors in transactions when using > 0 decimals
Fix: Fix AdminCP Adjust event being susceptible to currency limits
Fix: Correctly limit transactions based on their transaction date rather than the current time
Update highlights

This version fixes issues with various event triggers not respecting the "Frequency" event settings.

Complete Change Log

Fix:* The Daily, Interest, Taxation, Paycheck and Birthday events did not respect the "Frequency" related event settings
Update highlights

This version fixes various issues reported by the community.

Complete Change Log

Fix: The currency setting "Maximum Earned" did not work as intended
Fix: Internal change to fix a developer-only issue
Fix: Fix missing phrase in Approval Queue
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
Update highlights

This version implements the ability to disable the richest users' amounts in the overlay and widgets, as well as fixing a reported bug.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Per-currency option to disable richest users' amounts in overlay
Feature: Disable richest users' amounts in widget
Fix: Fix potential server error when merging posts
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
Update highlights

This version corrects an issue with the new cron job in Beta 1 where it would not correctly insert new transactions due to the nature of cron jobs running as guest user.

Complete Change Log

Fix: The Daily Activity event would not properly trigger while in a cron job
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