CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)

Reviews 4.96 star(s) 199 reviews

I've been using Featured Threads pretty much since it was released and reviewed it back then. I've just installed the latest version, and in my opinion this is probably the biggest impact an addon has made to my site. It's grown in features way beyond what was specified when I purchased it. It is now integral to the core and growth of my site, allowing me to easily push the best content out on my sites homepage. It just looks great now, compared to when I ran WordPress to do a similar function.
Paul B
Paul B
Thanks again Gaz :)
I like this add-on very much. xenForo lacks CMS functionality. It`s important for bigger forums to have a way to promote content. The description / documentation is very detailed and so you can get a good impression of the features before you buy. It runs stable and fast and I`m very happy with it. In the future I`m going to need more features and then I`ll check if this add-on has evolved into something more CMS like or choose something like xenZine articles.
Suggestions: manual sort order, featured thread archive, pagination, Display avatar/icon: left,right,hide
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you for the review. Pagination and left/right avatar/icon is already possible, An archive page is something I've been considering for some time.
I never got to review this as Brogan pulled it just after I purchased.... now it has returned... just buy the damn thing, seriously. Whether you just want a portal page of the latest threads or want to get fancy, this thing has you covered, along with delivering featured content across your site for ease if you're into that.

Best portal yet... better than Jaxel's, hands down. Simple, easy to setup and use... everything needed in a portal.
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you Anthony. I missed the alert for this yesterday so wasn't aware you had reviewed. I'm glad you find it a useful.
This addon is quite extensive and very well done. You can tell a lot of time went into it's development and continued maintenance/upgrades. I'm not sure I'll ever need all of the features that it comes with, but its nice to know they're there. I'm using it in a not-very-tech-savvy community, so keeping things simple. But it does a great service for me by allowing me to emphasize the threads that I need to be seen.
Paul B
Paul B
Many thanks for the review. I hope you and your members find it a positive addition to the site.
Best addon ever. All these new features keep amazing me. Best money ever spend. Wish the author had more plugins. Would buy them all! What a fantastic person...:) No question is ever to much for him. They should have awards for people like Brogan. Im also a big fan of cliptheapex!
Paul B
Paul B
Thanks Robby, very kind of you to say so :)
Just what we needed for a proper portal, the amount of options and ease of customization is simply incredible. My members mentioned that they missed a "homepage" after migrating to XenForo. Thankfully this add-on solves this problem and enables me to do much more compared to our previous portal software.
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you for the review and feedback. It's always great to hear how much members like. You're going to like the next version even more ;)
we recently upgraded our vb forum which had joomla integration, which served the landing page with announcements and recent activity. after considering IPB, we concluded that XF was decidedly superior for a number of reasons.

AFAIK, with XF, CTA-Ft addon is the easiest option if you want a portal-like front page that requires frequent news/happenings updates; there are also other features, which have been discussed in the main article and other reviews. our users like it - and we do too.

thanks brogan, for the excellent addon; and i confess that while we had already decided on XF, your addon helped seal the deal. apparently support is good (going by customer views); so far, we have managed easily with information in the main article and discussion-posts, without the need to log support. yet, i feel that a formal manual or user guide which takes newbies into consideration will help immensely and i suppose more people will consider buying it.
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts. As far as a manual or instructions are concerned, in addition to the main resource, each individual update explains in detail what each newly introduced feature does. So all you need to do is click the [Updates] tab and look for the entry which relates to the feature you are trying to help on. The add-on does so much though that it is a *lot* of reading to go through each and every option and function.
I recently moved to XF from vB, I grabbed a copy of XenZine to get my articles out. Then I stumbled across this quality add-on....
I wanted it so badly! I just had to get it!

After seeing the examples of sites using it, it was clear the customisation of this add-on is brilliant - I can confirm it is completely customisable... The best part is Brogan helps you out with any queries and bits you get stuck on.

The admin panel has endless options, Brogan has put some great time into this add-on and the result is clear - a brilliant add-on.

If you use articles on your site (which we do - alot!) Then this is the add-on you will only ever need to reach your audience in a professional, quality way.

The fact you have a slider is such a benefit - it allows you to gain interest just from pictures!

I really can't thank Brogan enough, his great work, his testing site, his dedication, his endless work - it's all second to none. This product is brilliant.

I love everything about this, from the instant (optional) share icons on the landing page, to every seamless customisable option - check my site out, it's so much better, all thanks to this add-on! GREAT WORK BROGRAN!!!

ApexOnlineRacing.com < I salute you Brogan, as do my community members!

Brogan, get yourself a beer - send me the bill, I can't thank you enough! I'm looking forward to the updates... AMAZING!!

Paul B
Paul B
What can I say Dan, but wow! What a review! I'm glad you like the add-on and hope your members find it useful too. I'm not going to lie though, with a competing site...I did think twice about you using it ;)
Wow! This is an awesome piece of kit and definitely something all good forum webmasters should have in their locker. Thank you for saving us all from forum homepage mediocrity Brogan!
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you for the feedback. Glad you like the add-on :)
CTA FT & P just keeps getting better and better.
Paul B
Paul B
Hopefully it will be even better with the next release...if I ever get finished decorating the apartment... :/
This is one of the most powerful and the most featured rich mod of its kind. And your support from what I have seen here is top notch. Keep up the great work. :)
Paul B
Paul B
Thanks for the feedback.
This is really one of the top add-ons here on XF. Don't know how and why would I rate it less than with 5 stars.

The support is extremely fast and excellent, the add-on has so many features and is highly customizable. You can custiomize is REALLY like you want to suit your site and needs. Check other sites that use it!

And to mention the overview tab of this add-on. The overview tab is very informative, you can find every feture of this add-on there so you really know what you buy.

I remember the first version of Featured Threads. Well, it was ok, but now it's miles and miles ahead of it.

From my side I can only recommend this add-on if you need features like that.

Thank you Brogan for developing, updating and supporting this.

Paul B
Paul B
Now that's a review! Thank you :)
Hands down the most actively developed portal plugin on XF which is only surpassed by the amazing (almost 24/7) support.
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you Fred.
Poor support my arse. Haters gonna hate. I still love using this add on, and it continues to please the crowd. Keep going and don't let one nonsense review get you down.
Paul B
Paul B
Thanks Oman, appreciate it :)
Amazing stuff, as always. Everything works the way it is advertised, and the author has responded to widely asked features. The automatic featuring is EXCELLENT.
Paul B
Paul B
Thanks Dakis :)
Excellent add-on & support
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you Shelley.
"Shut the f*ck up & take my money" kinda addon. But my 5 star rating goes for its supports, from the author that comes with.
Paul B
Paul B
This is excellent, being brand new to Xenforo, this has really helped with the transition from VBulletin. The forum looks great, and the support by Brogan has been outstanding. Thankyou so much :)
Paul B
Paul B
Thanks, glad you like it.
Thanks for implementing so many options. Especially all the styling features and possibilities gives you the possibility to style real professional looking home pages. Works very stable also.
Paul B
Paul B
Thank you for the support.
Fantastic addon, amazing support. This addon has gone above and beyond it's original scope and just keeps on getting better.
Paul B
Paul B
Thanks L.
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