Ability to copy conversation messages to a thread.
Requires a user permission
All posts that are being created go into the moderation queue (prevents abuse and revealing personal details)
If you use the Post Ratings add-on, upload the compatibility zip if you haven't already manually changed the execution order of the template modifications.
Compatibility fix for the post-ratings add-ons (likes summary was not being displayed in conversations when a like was given).
New Permission for maximum number of messages a user can have. Thanks to @empire for sponsoring the development of this feature.
There's a new permission, set to unlimited by default, it works similar to the maximum conversations permission but checks for messages instead.
When you leave a conversation, it frees up space.
If you have limits for both # of conversations and # of messages, the indicator that shows how close a user is will choose whichever percentage is higher.
There are ways to exceed the limit set, this is to avoid a poor experience for other users that are apart of an existing conversation with the user.
If a user leaves a conversation to get more space, and then there's a new message in that conversation, it could push them past their limit.
If a user gets a new message in an existing chat, it could push them over their limit.
Basically anything that isn't starting a new conversation, also they won't be able to respond to existing conversations until they clear space.
Sadly, we had to remove the ability to delete messages. It, in some situations, causes a lot of problems so it has been removed. I'm not sure if we'll see this feature until XenForo 2.0. Sorry everyone that was looking forward to it.
Prune conversations that haven't had a reply in x days. (Runs on a cron every day, you can set it to 0 to disable the feature).
User group permission to delete conversation messages (not able to delete the first message in the conversation and will not un-send the email notification to the conversation participants).