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Conversation Email Limiter 2.2.0

No permission to buy ($15.00)
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Additional requirements
php 7.0+
Standard Library by Xon, v1.1.0 or later
Updates duration
12 months ($10 Yearly Renewal + GST for Australian Residents)
Visible branding
  • This add-on ensures that only one notification email, for new conversation messages, is sent out per unread conversation.
  • This not only reduces the amount of emails sent out by your forum, but also helps in preventing annoying multiple notifications for busy conversations.
  • In addition, it is also a good way to get your members to log-in to your site in order to read all of their new conversation messages.
Feature List:
  • No branding copyright text.
  • Ensures that only one notification email, for new conversation messages, is sent out per unread conversation.
  • Option to provide your members with a choice as to whether to limit the notification emails. This option is available via the Contact Details section of their Account page in the form of a checkbox.
  • If an unread conversation is left (soft deleted), a new reply will trigger a notification email, otherwise the recipients may not realise the conversation is back in their inbox.
Related resources
  • details.webp
    14.3 KB · Views: 186
  • options.webp
    34.8 KB · Views: 186
First release
Last update


3.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 2.2.0 - Maintenance update

    Requires php 7.0+ Now depends on Standard Library by Xon Confirm XF2.2 support Change default...
  2. 2.1.0 - Feature update

    Require XF2.1+, drop XF2.0 support Add options icon Fix bug where users would not get notified...
  3. 2.0.3 - XF2.1 compatibility update

    Only block email notification, not push notifications for new conversation replies

Latest reviews

It's not that this addon is bad, it's that it actually works too well.

I've had to disable this on our forum as once a user gets an email stating they have an unread conversation message (which for some strange reason always arrive with the subject "New Conversation Started"), all other email conversation contact to that user ceases until they visit your forum (evne if its a different conversation).

This is apparently by design due to how the addon works.
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