Change Date

Change Date 1.8

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5

The purpose of this add-on is the allow the admin to move a post within a thread. For example if you want to move post #3 to be after post #5.

(Example of Change Date link)


(Example of Change Date overlay)


(Example of Options page)


(Example of User Group Permissions)


  • All phrases start with changedate_ for your convenience.
How to use:
  1. Click the Change Date link located below any post.
  2. Enter the date and time you would like the post to be.
  3. Click the Submit button.
  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Upload the Andy folder to your server. The correct location will be library/Andy.
  3. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
  4. Upload the addon-ChangeDate_v1.8.xml file.
  5. Click the Install Add-on button.
Group Permissions:

In order to see the Change Date link below the post, you will need to set the Group Permissions for the Administrative group to Allow.

Optional Notes:

Forum which use a language other than English can add notes in the Options page. For example if you add the following notes:

Jan = Jan<br />
Feb = Lut<br />
Mar = Zniszczyć<br />
Apr = Kwi<br />
May = Może<br />
Jun = Cze<br />
Jul = Lip<br />
Aug = Sie<br />
Sep = Wrz<br />
Oct = Paź<br />
Nov = Lis<br />
Dec = Gru<br />

The overlay will show the following:


Sending a donation:

If you like this add-on, please consider sending a small donation.

Thank you.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 26 ratings

More resources from AndyB

Latest updates

  1. See description

    Change Date v1.8 changes: Updated Options page.
  2. See description

    Change Date v1.7 changes: Added choices to Options page.
  3. See description

    Change Date v1.6 changes: Added Options page so that an alternate date and time format can be...

Latest reviews

Does just what it says it will, very easy to install and use. Makes a huge difference if you need to change a date for a multitude of reasons, keeps threads orderly and together.
Worked flawlessly! Now if a staff member needs to have a post right after the OP, They can simply change the date of their post to a few minutes after the thread was created, and it will move up to under the first post!
Great addon. It does what it is supposed to do. Thanks for making it. EAsy install process. Worked flawlessly.
Excellent! Without a good knowledge about how to use Xenforo and their add-ons, I could easily make this one working flawlessly. Thanks you!
The add-on does just what it said it'd :). Very useful in certain situation. Thanks for the nice add-on.
Great Add-on, A must have, it’s a great little tool which comes in handy when you want to add a post and want it to be placed above or below a post that already exists. How convenient is that! What can I say, Andy you sure do make my life a lot easier, your attention to detail is impressive. Keep up the great work! Without some of your add-on’s our forum would not be as active as it has become. Nor would it be such a cool forum to belong. Thanks for the countless hrs of hard work you have put into all your add-on’s.
I just needed this feature for the first time today to change the date/time of a post I moved so it made sense of order in the thread it was moved to and thank God Andy had an addon to let me do it! Thanks mate!
There are times when two users are drafting a post and end up being submitted almost simultaneously. However, in the aftermath sometimes the thread reads better if you can re-arrange the order of several posts. This add-on makes that so simple to do and offhand, I don't know how else to even accomplish such. Very handy!
very easy install. works as stated. smart to have for rearranging posts and creating new threads with existing posts. donate to AndyB!
Excellent. I needed a way to add helpful information to old threads that get hit by a lot of Google traffic. I was able to post, then use this to backdate it so it doesn't show up in the new posts.
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