Change Content Owner or Date

Change Content Owner or Date 2.0.15

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- Fix: Bulk updating can cause duplicate primary key exception (#41)
- Fix: User posts table is not updated on changing owner (#38)
  • Fix: Content count value will be out of sync (#35)
  • Fix: Posts count for user is increased twice (#33)
  • Fix: Does not respect "Count messages posted in this forum towards user total" (#32)

Note: It is advised to run "Rebuild threads" with "Rebuild position and post counters" checked from Admin CP > Tools > Rebuild caches for small forums. If you this add-on a big forum, you'll be required to run the following command:

php <path to xenforo installation>/cmd.php xf-rebuild:threads --position_rebuild
  • Fixed: Moderator log is generated even without owner or date changes (#28)
  • Fixed: Moderator actions are logged twice (#29)
  • Fixed: Time bumping not being logged if nothing else was changed
  • Fixed: Added missing moderator log phrases #30
  • Removed: Old 1.x moderator log phrases that are no longer used (#31)
  • On upgrade:
    • Will make an attempt to delete moderator logs that do not have any valid information
  • Fixed: Editor service trait doesn't return validation errors as it should
  • Changed: Use base XF app class instead of public app
  • Changed: Tweaked template modifications and class extensions
  • Fixed: Logic exception thrown when editing content
  • Changed: Lowered minimum PHP requirement to 7.1
  • Changed: Added calendar extension to required extensions for installing the add-on
  • Fixed: Do not perform validations when using inline moderation (#25)
  • New: Improved the how content date will be set
  • Changed: Lowered minimum PHP version requirement to 7.1
  • Changed: Updated phrases to match with general inline moderation
  • Changed: Do not allow changing content owner to the current owner
  • Fixed: xf_thread_user_post table not being updated when thread owner is changed
  • Fixed: Use forceSet to set user id when setting user id of a fallback user entity
  • Fixed: When changing profile post comment date, first comment date and last comment date were not compared correctly
  • Fixed: Thread date not being compared correctly when changing post date
  • Fixed: Changing thread owner does not update reactions
  • Fixed: Added missing phrases
  • General code improvements and clean up
  • Changed: Hour drop down when changing content date will now use hour format used in language
  • Fixed: Thread start not being updated (again)
  • Fixed: Can change content date failing when using inline moderation
  • Fixed: New owner not being applied via inline moderation
  • Changed: Allow showing time intervals from public:tckChangeContentOwner_macros:change_rows template macro
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