Change Content Owner or Date

Change Content Owner or Date 2.0.15

No permission to download
  • Fixed: User will receive "You must change the content owner or the date of this Thread." when editing content
  • Fixed: Post dates can be older than first post date
  • Changed: New date will now be populated with existing content date outside in-line moderation
  • New: Allow changing seconds of the content
  • New: Allow setting more specific time interval when changing time
  • Fixed: First post not being changed when changing thread owner
  • Fixed: Returning invalid date for thread
  • New: Added support for profile post comment
  • New: Ability to change content date
  • Changed: The entire add-on has been rewritten to be more flexible
  • Changed: Minimum PHP version has been increased to 7.3.0
  • Changed: More consistent author vs. owner
Bug reports: If you have an GitHub account please create issues here.
  • Fixed: Change author link does not move to the "..." menu in responsive mode
  • TypeError is throw when attempting to change author of content with deleted user
  • Do not allow changing first post author
  • Like
Reactions: Mian Shahid
  • Message count not being updated
  • News feed not being updated
  • Change author would not show for XenForo Media Gallery 2.1+
  • Attempted to get last comment id from the album which does not exist
  • Moved "Change comment author" to the end
  • Added support for removing likes/reactions upon changing the content owner
  • Increased the minimum XF requirement to 2.0.10
For some reason add-on package got screwed up. If you downloaded v1.0.1 from the last update, then upgrade the add-on with this version.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix: Album last comment user id not being set correctly
  • Fix: Fix: Checking for wrong permission in XFMG:MediaItem entity
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