Change Content Owner or Date

Change Content Owner or Date 2.0.15

No permission to download
Do a clean installation if upgrading from any of the Beta releases because I messed up version id 🤦‍♂️

Bug fixes:
  • Profile user was used as old author instead of profile post author (since v1.0.0 Beta 2)
  • Allow changing content owner if the original owner was a guest
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Reactions: Mian Shahid
Bug fixes:
  • Not everyone uses windows 👍
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Reactions: Mian Shahid
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed: Error: Call to undefined method XFRM\InlineMod\ResourceItem::getActions()
  • Added "Change author/owner..." to inline moderator tools for
    • Thread
    • Post
    • Profile Post
    • Media Item (XenForo Media Gallery)
    • Album (XenForo Media Gallery)
    • Comment (XenForo Media Gallery)
  • All services were re-written to make use of ValidateAndSavableTrait
  • This version of the add-on includes a work around for XenForo 2.0.4 and early versions.
  • Added support for moderator logging
  • Moved "Changed album owner" to the bottom under "More options" menu
  • Moved "Changed media author" to the bottom under "More options" menu
  • Moved "Change album owner" to the end of macros
  • Moved "Change comment author" to the end of macros
  • Moved "Change media author" to the end of macros
  • Moved "Change post author" to the end of macros
  • Template name is now changeContentOwner_xfmg_album_change_owner instead of changeContentOwner_xfmg_album_change_author
  • Few phrase changes
Bug fixes:
  • Redirect back to the post after changing post author
  • Show overlay instead of redirecting when changing comment author
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Reactions: Mian Shahid
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