BG_Interactive Snow Storm/Fall

Unmaintained BG_Interactive Snow Storm/Fall 1.3

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Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
  4. 1.3
Visible branding
Burrrrr! It's chilly outside and snowing! Wouldn't it be great if it could also snow on your forums? Well now it can! It's also interactive.

Description - "Interactive Snow Storm/Fall" adds a "Snow Storm" to your Xenforo Forums. The snow is circular and sticks for a brief second. Then, animatedly melts. It's interactive in the way that when you move your mouse, the "wind" blows and makes the snow blow in a different direction.

Installation - Download the .zip file and upload the contents to your forums directory. Then, install the .xml file. Once you do that follow the instructions within the file named "Installation.txt".

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First release
Last update


4.00 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest updates

  1. BG - Interactive Snow Storm/Fall

    Updates in this version include the following: Since I'm going to start making add-ons, I would...
  2. Fixed corrupted .zip file

    - Uploaded a corrupt .zip file while being unaware of it. (Again, first add-on, give me some...
  3. Interactive Snow Storm

    - Made it into a .xml file for easier installation. (It's my first REAL Add-On with a .xml file...

Latest reviews

This plugin has no disable/uninstall support. Had to remove it myself manually. Not to mention you have to add it into the page container yourself!

Save yourself the trouble and just add in some javascript -- no addon needed.
Great! .zip contains Library/ instead of library/.
Fixed this in last update - Noticed people were annoyed by it xD
This is a great addition for the season!
Nice addition
I'm glad you like it. It is working well, correct?
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