Apply user group text colour to underline on hover

Apply user group text colour to underline on hover

Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
  4. 1.3
  5. 1.4
  6. 1.5
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If you have applied user name CSS to your user groups to change the text colour, you may have noticed that when hovering, the underline colour is the same as the default hyperlink colour.

This therefore is a very simple tip to ensure the styling is applied to the underline.

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Thanks, this makes it look much better.
It's the subtle things that make it all worth while. This is a simple addition to something you probably didn't even notice til now.
A really easy fix for something I didn't even notice was a problem.

Thanks Brogan!
Brogan, thank you! This is beautiful cherry on top of the cake!
This was a nightmare for me and I applied it when Brogan mentioned it/posted it in another thread. Nice tip, 5 stars would have got 10 if there were enough stars to select from. Excellent resource.
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